Wrangler Wrap for Partners
   Choreographed by Max Perry for Wrangler Western Wear, Sept. 95

Partner Dance, 40 Counts, Circle Formation
Couples Start in "Side by Side" (Sweetheart) Position facing LOD

Music: "Check Yes or No" by George Strait

Counts and Steps follow . . .

1,2,3,&,4   Both: Rock forward w/left foot,
                  step in place w/right foot,
                  left shuffle back,

5,6,7,&,8         rock step back w/right foot,
                  step in place w/left foot,
                  right shuffle fwd.

(TURKISH TOWEL) note: this is a classic Cha-Cha move.
1,2,3,&,4    Man: Rock fwd w/left, step in place w/right,
                  left shuffle in place (L, R, L)
            Lady: Step fwd w/left & turn 1/2 right,
                  step in place w/right, left shuffle fwd
                  curving 1/2 right
Note: On counts 1,2 Man raises L arm over Lady's head, then over
his own head, keeping his R arm behind his back at waist level,
left arm extended to left side.  Couple ends up w/Lady behind and
to the L side of the Man.

5,6,7,&,8    Man: Rock back w/right, step in place w/left,
                  right shuffle in place
            Lady: Rock step fwd w/right, step in place w/left,
                  right shuffle to right side

Note: Lady should still be behind the man, but now to his right
side.  His L arm is behind his back at waist level, with his R arm
extended to the right.  Lady changes on the shuffle.

1,2,3,&,4    Man: Rock back w/left, step in place w/right,
                  left shuffle in place
            Lady: Rock step fwd w/left, step in place w/right,
                  left shuffle to left side.

Note: Lady should still be behind the man, but now on his
left side. His right arm is behind his back at the waist level
with his left arm extended to the left side.

5,6,7,&,8    Man: Rock step back w/R, step in place w/L,
                  right shuffle in place
            Lady: Step fwd turning 1/2 right w/right foot,
                  step back w/left foot turning 1/2 right,
                  right shuffle to right side - ending up in
                  original "Side by Side" position.
Note: Man will release his right hand, and bend his left arm
at the elbow, allowing the Lady to turn around and in front of
him, then he will re-take her right hand.  The lady does not turn
under the arm!
1,2,3,&,4   Both: Turn 1/4 right to face out of the circle
                  as you both rock step forward w/left,
                  step in place with the right foot
                  (Crossover breaks),
                  turn 1/4 left as you shuffle left (cha-cha-cha)
5,6,7,&,8   Both: Turn 1/4 left to face into the circle as
                  you both rock step forward w/right,
                  step in place with the left foot
                  (Crossover breaks),
                  turn 1/4 right as you shuffle right (cha-cha-cha)

1,2,3,4     Both: Turn 1/4 right to face out of the circle as
                  you both rock step forward w/left,
                  step in place with the right foot
                  (Crossover breaks),
                  turn 1/4 left as you both rock to the left side
                  with the left foot,
                  step in place with the right foot.
                  (both should still be facing the line of dance)

5,6,7,8      Man: Walk forward left, right, left, right
            Lady: Step forward left turning 1/2 left,
                  step back right turning 1/2 left,
                  step forward left,
                  step forward right.

Note: This is a plain underarm turn from side by side position.
Lead with the Man's right arm over her head.
Repeat Entire Sequence