WISH'Y WASH'Y CHOREOGRAPHER: Marty Hannah, Geneseo, Illinois, patches@geneseo.net TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance COUNT: 52 MUSIC: Go Away by Lorrie Morgan Start dance on the 17th count RIGHT AND LEFT TOE, HEEL, CROSS 1 Touch RIGHT toe in toward left instep 2 Touch RIGHT heel in toward left instep 3 Cross RIGHT over left foot 4 Touch LEFT toe into right instep 5 Touch LEFT heel into right instep 6 Cross LEFT over right foot 7 Rock back on RIGHT 8 Rock forward on LEFT TRIPLE STEPS WITH PIVOT AND ROCK STEPS 9&10 RIGHT triple step forward 11&12 LEFT triple step forward 13 Step RIGHT foot forward 14 Turn 1/2 turn LEFT stepping down on left foot 15 Rock forward on RIGHT foot 16 Rock back on LEFT foot 17 Rock back on RIGHT foot 18 Rock forward on LEFT foot HIP PUSHES FORWARD AND BACK RIGHT AND LEFT 19-20 Step forward on RIGHT foot and push right hip forward two times 21-22 Step back on LEFT foot and push left hip forward two times 23-24 Step back on RIGHT foot and push right hip forward two times 25-26 Step forward on LEFT foot and push left hip forward two times TRIPLE STEP RIGHT AND LEFT WITH PIVOT TURN AND ROCK STEPS 27&28 Triple step forward RIGHT foot lead 29&30 Triple step forward LEFT foot lead 31 Step forward on RIGHT foot 32 Turn 1/2 turn to the left stepping down on left foot 33 Rock forward on RIGHT foot 34 Rock back on LEFT foot 35 Rock back on RIGHT foot 36 Rock forward on LEFT foot SUGAR FOOT, RIGHT AND LEFT GRAPEVINE WITH 1/4 TURN LEFT (when executing the next move as the right toe goes into the left instep the left heel moves to the right, when right heel touch into the left instep the right toes move to left.) 37 Touch right toe into left instep 38 Touch right heel into left instep 39 Touch right toe into left instep 40 Touch right toe into left instep 41 Step RIGHT foot to right side 42 Step LEFT behind right 43 Step RIGHT to right side 44 Brush LEFT foot forward 45 Step LEFT foot to left side 46 Step RIGHT behind left 47 Turn 1/4 turn to left on LEFT foot 48 Brush RIGHT foot forward 49 Rock forward on RIGHT foot 50 Rock back on LEFT foot 51 Rock back on RIGHT foot 52 Rock forward on LEFT foot REPEAT Have Fun!!! If you have any questions call Marty (309)944-5413 or E-Mail, patches@geneseo.net From: patches@geneseo.net (Marty Hannah) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm