aka's: Wild Wild West or Wild West Boogie

CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Hookie, Chico, California, 1988
TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Intermediate
MUSIC: Wild Wild West by The Escape Club

Dance Step Description: Two directional type line dance.
All dancers start off either in two single file lines facing each other
as a Contra Line Dance - off set from the dancer directly across the way
in the other line; or all dancers facing LOD. Dance is especially exciting
when performed as a Contra Line Dance.


1. 	1	Left foot step to the side
	&	Slide right foot center
	2	Left foot step to the side
	3	Right foot cross behind left foot and
		transfer weight onto the ball of the right foot
	4	Shift weight forward onto left foot
		(counts 3&4 is a slow ball-change)

2.	1	Right foot step to the side
	&	Slide left foot center
	2	Right foot step to the side
	3	Left foot cross behind right foot and
		transfer weight onto the ball of the left foot
	4	Shift weight forward onto right foot
		(counts 3&4 is a slow ball-change)

3.	1&2	Three step 1/2 turn to the right while traveling forward
		with a left foot lead: left, right, leg
	3	Rock back onto right foot
	4	Rock forward onto left foot
		(counts 3&4 is a rock-step)

4.	1&2	Three step 1/2 turn to the left while traveling forward
		with a right foot lead: right, left, right
	3	Rock back onto left foot
	4	Rock forward onto right foot
		(counts 3&4 is a rock-step)

5.	1	Left foot step forward and make a 1/2 turn to the right
	2	Right foot step back and make a 1/2 turn to the right
	3	Left foot step forward and make a 1/2 turn to the right
	4	Right foot step back and make a 1/2 turn to the right

6. 	1	Left foot step to the side
	2	Right foot step behind left foot
	3	Left foot step to the side
	4	Make a 1/2 turn to the left and stomp right foot center

Variations: The turns in Step #5 may be eliminated and exchanged with four
walking steps forward. #2) The turns in Step #5 may be eliminated and
exchanged with two shuffle steps forward. Both variations begin with a
left foot lead.

There is also a complete Cha Cha variation of the dance choreographed by
Chris Hookie called the Wild Wild West Cha Cha which is a re-choreogrphed
variation of the original Wild Wild West Boogie. Refer to the Wild Wild West
Cha Cha cue sheet for a complete description of the dance.

Suggested Dance Style: There is a strong Latin and Modern Jazz influence
in this dance. Keep all steps small especially during faster tempos.
Spot turning in Step #5 is a must. The rock-step in the second half of
Step #4 is your windup for the turns in Step #5, so use it to your advantage.
At slower tempos, put an explosive stomp in beat 4 of Step #6. But for
faster tempos just use it as a quick weight transfer to prepare for the
beginning of the dance.

Suggested Songs/Types Of Songs:
Wild Wild West by The Escape Club.
Any Latin rhythm above 30 MPM (120 BPM).
It is a blast to perform it to Funkytown by Lipps. Inc.

Choreographer’s Comments: The choreography of the Wild Wild West Boogie
was influenced by the base and rhythm line in the Rock song "Wild Wild West.
Many bands enjoy playing this song so the dance came natural. A combination
of C/W & Latin and Modern Jazz with the free spirit of Rock and Roll.
The dance is easy to learn if you realize that the first 14 counts are just
a Cha Cha rhythm. The Wild Wild West Boogie is dedicated to C/W dancer and
good friend Geri West who is a Wild- Wild Guy.

From:	Chris_Hookie@cor.gov

Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.