WELL OILED CHOREOGRAPHER: Rob Fowler, 1996 COUNT: 96 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Advanced MUSIC: Well Oiled Love Machine by Scooter Lee Your Gonna Miss Me by Dean Brothers (teach) TOE FANS AND HEEL/TOE LIFTS 1 Fan right toe out to right side 2 Return 3 Fan right toe out to right side 4 Return 5 Lift right heel and left toe at same time 6 Replace weight 7 Lift right toe and left heel at same time 8 Replace weight 9 Fan left toe out to left side 10 Return 11 Fan left toe out to left side 12 Return 13 Lift right heel and left toe at the same time 14 Replace weight 15 Lift right toe and left heel at same time 16 Replace weight SIDE TOUCHES (SINGLE AND DOUBLE TIME) 17 Touch right foot out to right side 18 Hold 19 Bring back to place 20 Hold 21 Touch right foot out to right side 22 Return to place 23 Touch right foot out to right side 24 Return to place 25 Touch left foot out to left side 26 Hold 27 Bring back to place 28 Hold 29 Touch left foot out to left side 30 Return to place 31 Touch left foot out to left side 32 Return to place CAMEL WALKS AND 1/2 TURNS 33 Step forward on left foot 34 Slide right foot up to the left 35 Step forward on left foot 36 Hooking right foot behind left calf, make a 1/2 turn left 37 Step back on right foot 38 Slide left foot to the right 39 Step back on right foot 40 Touch the left foot in place CAMEL WALKS AND 1/2 TURNS 41 Step forward on left foot 42 Slide right foot up to the left 43 Step forward on left foot 44 Hooking right foot behind left calf, make a 1/2 turn left 45 Step back on right foot 46 Slide left foot to the right 47 Step back on right foot 48 Touch the left foot in place RUNNING RIGHT - REDUCING BEATS 49 Step right foot to right side and click fingers 50-52 Hold 53 Cross left foot over right and click fingers 54-56 Hold 57 Step right foot to right side and click fingers 58 Hold 59 Cross left foot over right and click fingers 60 Hold 61 Step right foot to right side 62 Cross left foot over right 63&64 Step right to right, cross left over right, step right to right PIGEON TOES (APPLEJACKS) MOVING LEFT Take weight onto left heel and right toe 65 Swivel left toe and right heel to the left Change weight onto left toe and right heel 66 Swivel left heel and right toe to the left Change weight onto left heel and right toe 67 Swivel left toe and right heel to the left Change weight onto left toe and right heel 68 Swivel left heel and right toe to the left Change weight onto left heel and right toe 69 Swivel left toe and right heel to the left Change weight onto left toe and right heel 70 Swivel left heel and right toe to the left Change weight onto left heel and right toe 71 Swivel left toe and right heel to the left Change weight onto left toe and right heel 72 Swivel left heel and right toe to the left HEELS, TAPS 73 Tap right heel forward 74 Tap right heel forward 75 Tap right toe back 76 Tap right toe back 77 Tap right heel forward 78 Tap right toe back HITCH, 1/4 TURN RIGHT & THIGH SLAPS 79 Hitch right knee and slap right thigh with left hand 80 Touch the right foot back to place 81 Turn 1/4 right hitching right knee and slap right thigh with right hand 82 Step the right foot in place (taking weight) HEEL/TOE TAPS, CROSS, UNWIND, STOMP, STOMP 83 Tap the left heel forward 84 Tap the left toe directly behind 85 Cross the left foot behind the right 86 Unwind 1/2 turn left 87 Stomp right 88 Stomp left HEEL SWITCHES, CROSS, UNWIND, STOMP, STOMP 89 Tap right heel forward &90 Switch weight to right foot and tap left heel forward &91 Cross right foot over left 92 Hold 93-94 Unwind full turn left (over 2 beats) 95 Stomp Right 96 Stomp Left REPEAT From: Charles.Thornhill@syntegra.bt.co.uk (Charles Thornhill) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm