aka's: The Breakdown, (UDC): Ultimate Dancer's Challenge

CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Hookie, Arlington, Texas - January 1995
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Advanced
MUSIC: Everything That You Want by Reba McEntire-168 BPM (preferred)
	Blackberry Blossom by Cactus Brothers-284 BPM
	Sold by John Michael Montgomery
	The Big One by George Strait (when performed syncopated)

Any songs less than 250 BPM is not really worth performing to

General Dance Description: Four directional type line dance.
All dancers start off in single file lines all facing the same direction.
After completing the pattern, dancers will have made a 1/4 turn to the right
from the beginning direction. It is recommended that dancers first read the
comment section before proceeding with learning the dance.
It will help greatly.


(Verbal cues: "Forward & Back & Forward & Back &")

1.	8	Right heel touch-up forward,
		slide right foot center and
		lift left foot up with knee bent straight back,
		left toe touch up straight back,
		make a sharp 1/2 turn left on the right foot and
		elevate bent left knee forward,
		left heel touch-up forward,
		slide left foot center and
		lift right foot up with bent knee,
		right toe touch-up straight back,
		slide right foot up to center and
		quickly lift left foot up with knee bent straight back

(Verbal cues: "Forward & Back & Back & Back &")

2.	8	Left toe Touch-up straight back,
		make a sharp 1/2 turn left on the right foot and
		elevate bent left knee forward,
		left heel touch-up forward,
		slide left foot center and
		lift right foot up with bent knee,
		right toe touch-up straight back,
		slide right foot up to center and
		quickly lift left foot up with knee bent straight back,
		left toe touch-up straight back,
		lift left foot forward and slide back on right foot

(Verbal cues: "Touch, slide, cross, slide, twist, twist, twist, turn")

3.	8	Touch left foot directly to the side,
		lift left foot while sliding right foot slightly back,
		cross left foot over right foot,
		slide left foot slightly back while lifting right foot and
		touching it directly to the side,
		swivel heels right, left, right,
		slightly elevate right foot and
		hop on left foot while making a 1/4 turn to the left

(Verbal cues: "Touch, slide, cross, slide, twist, twist, twist, turn")

4.	8	Touch right foot directly to the side,
		lift right foot while sliding left foot slightly back,
		cross right foot over left foot,
		slide right foot slightly back while lifting left foot and
		touching it directly to the side,
		swivel heels left, right, left,
		slightly elevate left foot and
		hop on right foot while making a 1/4 turn to the right

(Verbal cues: "Touch, slide, cross, touch--, turn--")

5.	8	Touch left foot directly to the side,
		lift left foot while sliding right foot slightly back,
		cross left foot over right foot, hold,
		touch right foot to the side, hold,
		elevate right foot while making
		a 3/4 pivot turn to the right on the left foot

(Verbal cues: "Back--, Back--, Back-Ball Change, Turn")

6.	8	Left foot step back and hold for two beats,
		right foot step back and hold for two beats,
		left foot step back,
		right foot step back center,
		left foot step forward (left foot back-ball change),
		with right foot elevated - make a 1/4 body turn left

(Verbal cues: "Hip, Hip, Hip, Turn---, Hip, Hip, Hip, Turn---, Hip, Hip, Hip, Turn---, Hip, Hip, Hip, Turn---")

7.	16	Right foot step to the side and
		shift hips to the right, left, right,
		and with weight on the right foot -
		make a 1/4 turn to the right,
		left foot step to the side and
		shift hips left, right, left,
		and with weight on the left foot -
		make a 1/2 turn to the left
		right foot step to the side and
		shift hips to the right, left, right,
		and with weight on the right foot -
		make a 1/4 turn to the right,
		left foot step to the side and
		shift hips left, right, left,
		and with weight on the left foot -
		make a 1/2 turn to the left

Variations: Accomplished dancers can perform variation to almost any dance,
The 284 (UDC) Breakdown on the other hand is performed so quickly that
variations would be difficult to perform. However -- some of the spots where
variations could be performed are during the first four beats in Steps #3
and #4 and during the twists in Steps #3 and #4. An additional turn may be
added in place of the two steps in Step #6, and a variety of turns may be
added during the turns in Step #7.

Suggested Dance Style: The 284 (UDC) Breakdown when performed at it's
optimum tempo (284+ BPM) creates a style of its own-- the style of just
trying to perform the dance and keep up with the tempo!! The steps are
performed very quickly while the upper body tries to maintain a smooth style.
All turns are to be sharp- no cheating on the corners. Use the two steps
back in Step #6 to catch your breath and balance.

Comments: The 284 (UDC) Breakdown was choreographed in 4/4 time and the
description is written in 4/4 - 'straight time' but is best performed to
songs written in 2/4 time. When attempting to perform the dance to slower
songs written in 4/4 time- the dance is best when performed 'syncopated'
(cut the straight 284 BPM to a syncopated rhythm of 142 BPM)
Writing the dance description proved to be very challenging to the
choreographer and will prove to be a challenging dance for most dancers.
The 'Breakdown' will challenge even the most accomplished line dancer.
Conveying the exact styling of the dance in writing would take pages of text,
this cue sheet is good but it is best to learn the dance in person from the
choreographer or with the assistance of the video of the dance produced by
the choreographer.

The concept of The 284 (UDC) Breakdown is to perform the dance 'correctly'
to the fastest songs possible. '284' is just a bench mark to start at and
then go faster. Those who figure out dances by MPM's - here are some examples:
to perform the dance at - 33 MPM syncopate the music and at 66 MPM perform
the dance straight time.

The 284 (UDC) Breakdown was created by Chris Hookie in about a three month
span with the assistance- 'opinions' of many dancers. The dance had its
genesis during the 1994 Texas Boot Scooter's Christmas party; and with the
help of several Boot Scooters- about a third of the dance was created then.
Another third was developed by the choreographer during the next three weeks,
and the last third was created at the CWLDA International championships in
Myrtle Beach South Carolina in January 1995 with the assistance of several
line dance competitors who witnessed the choreographer working on the dance
between classes. A big thanks to all those who assisted.

From:	Chris_Hookie@cor.gov

Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.