CHOREOGRAPHER: Joey McCaulry & Denis Philpott UK (0171 833 2613)
TYPE: 1 Wall Contra Line Dance
MUSIC:  I'm Outta Here (remix) by Shania Twain (Practice)
	Walk On by Reba McEntire
	He Will Be Mine by Carlene Carter

1	Tap right heel to right side
2	Turn foot and tap right toe at the same place
3	Turn foot and tap right heel at the same place
4	Step right foot next to left foot
5	Tap left heel to left side
6	Turn foot and tap left toe at the same place
7	Turn foot and tap left heel at the same place
8	Step left foot next to right foot
9	Step forward on right foot
10	Pivot 1/2 turn to the left
11	Step forward on right foot
12	Pivot 1/2 turn to the left
13&14	Shuffle forward right-left-right
15&16	Shuffle forward left-right-left
	(Lines cross during this sequence)


17	Kick right foot forward
&	Step right foot next to left foot
18	Step left foot next to right foot


19&20	Step on right foot, step on left foot, step on right foot
21-22	Moving in a line to the left, 
	turn one complete turn to the left over two counts, 
	stepping left foot, then right foot
23&24	Step on left foot, step on right foot, step on left foot
25	Step back on ball of right foot 
	turning the head over the right shoulder
26	Lower right heel and clap
27	Step back on ball of left foot 
	turning the head over the left shoulder
28	Lower left heel and clap
	(Lines travel back during this sequence)
29	Step back on ball of right foot 
	turning the head over the right shoulder
30	Lower right heel and clap
31	Step back on ball of left foot 
	turning the head over the left shoulder
32	Lower left heel and clap
	(Lines travel back during this sequence)
33-34	Moving in a line to the right, 
	turn one complete turn to the right over two counts, 
	stepping right foot, then left foot


35&36	Step on right foot, step on left foot, step on right foot
37	Kick left foot forward
&	Step left foot next to right foot
38	Touch right foot to the right side
39	Cross step right foot in front of left foot
40	Unwind 1/2 turn to the right
41	Kick left foot forward
&	Step left foot next to right foot
42	Touch right foot to the right side
43	Cross step right foot in front of left foot
44	Unwind 1/2 turn to the right
45	Stomp left foot next to right foot
46	Stomp right foot next to left foot


47&48	Step on left foot, step on right foot, then step on left foot


Published: "Line Dance UK" - March '98
Submitted by:
From: (Kiener)

Reformatted for display on web site 
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.