TOO HIP, GOTTA' GO CHOREOGRPAHER: Charlotte Skeeters - April 1997 (510)462-6572, fax (510)462-0130 COUNT: 32 TYPE: 1 Wall Line Dance (is also fun as a contra-line(hi-five as you run,run,run)) LEVEL: Advanced/Beginner-Easy/Intermediate MUSIC: Too Hip, Gotta' Go by The Stray Cats (start on vocals) Rompin' Stompin' by Scooter Lee Note: This dance is counted in half time: Music count 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-8 Step count 1-&-2 -, 3-&-4 - HITCH, STEP, STRIDE, HITCH, STEP, STRIDE, and JAZZ BOX (Optional arms on counts &2,&4 - Arms and palms down, crosssed in front on &, fan arms out to sides, left to left, right to right on 2, repeat for &4) 1& Hitch Right knee up at slight angle left, Right step next to left 2 Left step/stride long side left (right stays in place) 3& Hitch Right knee up at slight angle left, Right step next to left 4 Left step/stride long side left (right stays in place) 5 Right cross-step over left 6 Left step back (bend forward at waist) 7 Right step side and back right (parallel to left, straighten up) 8 Left touch side left HITCH, STEP, STRIDE, HITCH, STEP, STRIDE, and JAZZ BOX (Optional arms same as previous &2,&4) 9& Hitch Left knee up at slight angle right, Left step next to right 10 Right step/stride long side right (left stays in place) 11& Hitch Left knee up at slight angle right, Left step next to right 12 Right step/stride long side right (left stays in place) 13 Left cross-step over right 14 Right step back (bend forward at waist) 15 Left step side and back left (parallel to right, straighten up) 16 Right touch next left FORWARD, LOCK, FORWARD, TURN, TURN, FORWARD 17&18 Right step forward, Left cross-step (lock) behind right, Right step forward 19& Left step forward into 1/2 turn right, Right step back into 1/2 turn right 20 Left step forward 1/2 PIVOT, FORWARD, RUN, RUN, RUN 21 Pivot 1/2 turn right (transfer weight to right) 22 Left step forward 23&24 RUN forward Right, Left, Right (if you’re doing contra-line, hi-five the people on both sides as you pass on the RUN, RUN, RUN) STEP, SLIDE, STEP, SLIDE, 1/4 LEFT, FORWARD 25& Left step side left (keep right in place), Right slide next to left (transfer weight to right, for styling use hips) 26& Left step side left (keep right in place), Right slide next to left (transfer weight to right, for styling use hips) 27 Left step into 1/4 turn left 28 Right step forward 1/2 PIVOT, FORWARD, BRUSH, 1/2 RIGHT & CLAP, STOMP 29 Pivot 1/2 turn left (transfer weight to left) 30 Right step forward 31& Left brush forward, hitch Left knee as you pivot 1/4 turn right and clap 32 Left stomp side left (feet end shoulder distance apart) REPEAT ENDING: At the end of the song, you will have finished a Jazz Box with a right touch (the 16th count of the dance). There is one more beat of music (a guitar strum), with this final beat, stride forward on right as you Fan arms out to sides with palms down. From: Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown