CHOREOGRAPHER: Guyton Mundy, Cody Stevens, Joey Warren
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Intermediate/Advanced
MUSIC: Put Your Hands Together by Trinity (Start the dance 12 counts into the music)

1&2	Kick right to right side, Step right beside left, Kick left to left side
&3	Hitch left foot, Kick forward left
&4	Hitch left foot, Step left forward
5-6	Skate right 45° to the right, Skate left 45° to the left
7&8	Triple-step right, left, right turning 1/4 right (facing 3:00 wall)

1-2	Sweep left turning 1/2 right (facing 9:00 wall), Step down left to left side
&3	Step right behind left, Press left to left
&4	Left knee pop in, Step left down turning 1/4 left (facing 6:00 wall)


5-6	Slide right forward turning 1/4 left, Slide left back turning 1/4 left
7-8	Slide right forward turning 1/4 left, Slide left forward turning 1/4 left

1&	Kick right forward, step down right
2&	Lock left behind right, step right forward
3&	Kick left forward, step down left
4&	Lock right behind left, step left forward
5&	Kick right forward, step down right turning 1/4 left
6	Step left back (you are now facing 3:00 wall)
7-8	Press hands down with body roll down, twice, transferring weight to right on 8

1&2	Kick left to left side, Step left beside right, Kick right to right side
&3	Step right beside left, Touch left to left side
4	Step down left and pivot 1/4 left and roll shoulders into the turn
5	Scuff right and pivot 1/4 to left and continue to roll shoulders (still on left)
&6	Hitch right foot, Step right to right side (now facing 9:00 wall)
7	Step left to left side, rolling left shoulder down and into step
8	Touch right to left (leaving weight on left)


From: TKANDR@aol.com

Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©2004 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.