THAT OLD SWING CHOREOGRAPHER: Bill Bader, Vancouver, BC, Canada September 1997 COUNT: 32 (plus a one-time 8-count bridge) TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: The Swing by James Bonamy-102bpm Start the pattern with the vocals after the 24-count instrumental intro. FORWARD, SWAY HIPS, SHUFFLE FORWARD, BRUSH-HOOK-BRUSH 1 With a LEFT step forward, sway hips forward to left 2 Sway hips back to right 3-4 Sway hips again: forward to left, then back to right 5&6 Shuffle forward LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT (forward, slide together, step forward) 7 Brush RIGHT toe forward & Hook RIGHT heel up across left shin, brushing RIGHT toe on the way back 8 Brush RIGHT toe forward FORWARD, TOUCH, TURN-STEP-TURN, SYNCOPATED VINE RIGHT, CROSS, TOUCH 9 Step RIGHT forward 10 Touch LEFT toe behind Right heel 11 Step LEFT back turned 1/2 left & Step RIGHT forward 12 Turn 1/2 shifting weight onto LEFT 13 Sidestep RIGHT 14& Cross-Step LEFT behind, sidestep RIGHT 15 Cross-Step LEFT over Right 16 Touch RIGHT toe to right side SAILOR STEPS BACK, SYNCOPATED VINE RIGHT, BRUSH-HOOK-BRUSH 17 Cross-Step RIGHT behind Left with RIGHT toe and body angled right & Step LEFT back to left side of Right 18 Step RIGHT beside Left but just slightly right 19 Cross-Step LEFT behind Right with LEFT toe and body angled left & Step RIGHT back to right side of Left 20 Step LEFT beside Right but just slightly left 21 Sidestep RIGHT 22& Cross-Step LEFT behind, sidestep RIGHT 23 Brush LEFT toe forward & Hook LEFT heel up across right shin, brushing LEFT toe on the way back 24 Brush LEFT toe forward TRIPLE STEP SIDE LEFT, 1/2 TURN, COASTER STEP 25&26 Sidestep LEFT, step RIGHT beside Left, sidestep LEFT & Turn 1/2 right (on ball of LEFT) 27&28 Step RIGHT back, step LEFT back beside Right, step RIGHT forward 2 SYNCOPATED STROLLS 29 Step LEFT to left side slightly forward 30& Cross-Step RIGHT behind Left, sidestep LEFT 31 Step RIGHT to right side slightly forward 32& Cross-Step LEFT behind Right, sidestep RIGHT End of pattern for all except Wall 2. (After doing the pattern twice, see below.) BRIDGE: In the song "The Swing" there is an extra 8-count of music after the first 64 counts, so, to match that phrasing, we insert 8 extra counts of dancing after 2 walls (64 cts). It happens only once and it's easy - simply repeat the last section twice more: 4 SYNCOPATED STROLLS 1 Step LEFT to left side slightly forward 2& Cross-Step RIGHT behind Left, sidestep LEFT 3 Step RIGHT to right side slightly forward 4& Cross-Step LEFT behind Right, sidestep RIGHT 5 Step LEFT to left side slightly forward 6& Cross-Step RIGHT behind Left, sidestep LEFT 7 Step RIGHT to right side slightly forward 8& Cross-Step LEFT behind Right, sidestep RIGHT End of bridge. Begin again at count 1 and do not repeat the bridge again. OPTION: You will hear a strong accent in the music on count 31 of Walls 1 and 3. At these 2 points it's fun to do a "Safe" arm movement (arms out to sides), deleting 32&. Please consider this only after the pattern and the song are very familiar. Step Description (9/97) by Bill Bader (604) 684-2455 From: (lstrong) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown