Swing Switch Mixer
           Choreographed By Linda De Ford for "Club Dance"

   Recommended Music: "If It Will, It Will" Hank Williams, Jr. or
   any tempo Swing song that your group is comfortable with.  This
   is a Circle Dance, Men on the Inside of Circle facing out and Lady
   on the Outside of the Circle, facing the Man.  Beginning Position
   is Closed Swing Dance Position.  This Dance changes Partners
   on the 5th Pattern.  Basic Pattern is East Coast Swing Step.

   COUNT           MAN'S STEP                  LADY'S STEP
   1&2, 3&4, 5,6   LRL, RLR, LR                RLR, LRL, RL
                   Basic EC Swing Pattern      Basic EC Swing Pattern
   1&2, 3&4, 5,6   Basic EC Swing Pattern      Tap Right toe in front
                   Raising Left hand for       of Partner, Turn Right
                   Lady to Turn Right on       under his Left as you
                   1&2, followed by Steps      Step on Right foot on
                   3&4 in Place, facing        Count 2, followed by

                   Partner now, Rock Step.     Steps 3 & 4 in Place
                                               facing Partner, Rock
   1&2, 3&4, 5,6   Pass to outside of          Pass to inside of
                   floor, bringing Lady        floor, by going
                   past your Right side        under Man's Left arm
                   and under your Left         and Turning to face
                   arm, Turning to face        him (toward outside

                   inside of Circle &          floor).  Complete
                   finishing this Pattern      Steps 3 & 4 and Rock
                   with 3 & 4 in Place         Step.
                   and Rock Step.
   1&2, 3&4, 5,6   Pass to inside of           Pass to outside
                   floor, bringing Lady        floor by going under
                   past Right side and         Man's Left arm on
                   under Left arm on           Counts 1 & 2, facing

                   Counts 1 & 2, facing        Partner on Counts 3 &
                   Partner on Counts 3 &       4, Rock Step.  Rock
                   4.  Here the Rock           Step becomes a Side
                   Step becomes a Side         Rock so as to prepare
                   Rock to prepare to          change Partners, Step
                   change Partners, Step       6 should be pointed in
                   6 should be pointed in      the direction you will
                   the direction you will      be Turning, both will

                   be Turning, both Part-      Turn to their Left.
                   ners will be Turning
   1&2, 3&4, 5,6   Turning 360 degrees         Man Leads your hand to
                   Left after sending          send you to your Left,
                   your Partner to her         Turn 360 degrees.
                   Left.  Greet your           Greet your New Partner
                   Partner on Step 3&4         on Steps 3&4 by joining

                   by joining both hands       both hands and Rock
                   and Rock Step away          Step away from each
                   from each other.  As        other.  As you begin
                   you begin the next          the next pattern rejoin
                   pattern rejoin in           in Closed Position.
                   Closed Position.
   Repeat same pattern with New Partner..Remember to keep the Circle
   in tact.