STOMP IT UP! CHOREOGRAPHER: Gary Maxwell TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Advanced Intermediate COUNTS: 48 MUSIC: Heart's Desire by Lee Roy Parnell-116bpm (teaching) Boot Scootin' Boogie by Brooks & Dunn-131bpm (practice) Honky Tonk Attitude by Joe Diffie-142bpm (performance). DANCE NOTES: When performed to "Honky Tonk Attitude", Sections D1 and D2 are used during each chorus for handling the break. A phrasing chart is included at the end of the step description. A. SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE, SIDE, SHIMMIES, STOMP UP 1&2 Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left 3&4 Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right 5 Long step Left to left starting shoulder shimmy (left shoulder forward) 6-7 Shimmy shoulders while dragging Right to Left 8 Stomp up Right (optional: clap hands) B. SCOOT-STEPS BACK, SIDE, SHIMMIES, STOMP UP & Small scoot back Left and swing Right out and back (shoulder width)* 9 Step back on Right ball* & Small scoot back Right and swing Left out and back (shoulder width)* 10 Step back on Left ball* & Small scoot back Left and swing Right out and back (shoulder width)* 11 Step back on Right ball* & Small scoot back Right and swing Left out and back (shoulder width)* 12 Step back on Left ball* & Small scoot right Left* 13 Long step Right to right starting shoulder shimmy (right shoulder forward) 14-15 Shimmy shoulders while dragging Left to Right 16 Stomp up Left (optional: clap hands) * The scoot-steps (counts &9 - 12&) may be substituted with two shuffles back: Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left C. STEP, STOMPS AND 1/4 PIVOTS, ROCK BACK, ROCK FORWARD 17 Step forward Left 18 Stomp forward Right 19 Pivot 1/4 left (now at 9:00), transferring weight to Left 20 Stomp forward Right 21 Pivot 1/4 left (now at 6:00), transferring weight to Left 22 Stomp forward Right 23 Rock back on Left 24 Rock forward on Right NOTE: For the "Honky Tonk Attitude" chorus (begins with "Well, now everybody knows"), proceed to Section D1 D. TWO SHUFFLES W/ FULL RIGHT TURN, WALKS, STOMPS UP 25&26 Step forward Left turning 1/4 right, step Right next to Left, Step side Left turning 1/4 right (12:00) 27&28 Step back Right turning 1/4 right, step Left next to Right, Step side Right turning 1/4 right (6:00) 29 Step forward Left 30 Step forward Right 31 Stomp up Left 32 Stomp up Left E. HEEL, HOLD, & TOE, HOLD, & POINT & HEEL & STOMP UP, STOMP UP 33 Touch Left heel forward 34 Hold & Step Left next to Right 35 Point Right toe behind 36 Hold & Step Right next to Left 37 Point Left toe to side & Step Left next to Right 38 Touch Right heel forward & Step Right next to Left 39 Stomp up Left 40 Stomp up Left F. TOE-HEELS BACK W/ 1/4 LEFT, RUNNING VINE, SCUFF W/ 1/4 RIGHT 41 Touch back Left toe 42 Left heel down with 1/8 left turn (4:30) 43 Touch back Right toe 44 Right heel down with 1/8 left turn (3:00) & Small step Left to left* 45 Cross Right in front of Left* & Small step Left to left* 46 Cross Right behind Left* & Small step Left to left* 47 Cross Right in front of Left* 48 Scuff forward Left turning 1/4 right (Finish facing 6:00 wall) * The running vine (&45 through 47) may be substituted with a shuffle side Left, Right, Left, small step forward Right REPEAT PERFORMANCE STEPS AND NOTES FOR "HONKY TONK ATTITUDE": "Honky Tonk Attitude" begins with a triplet-based chord scale, and this break is used at the end of each chorus during the song. Technically, it is composed of triplets superimposed on the 4/4 rhythm. From a counting perspective, it's easier to just count the 12 triplet beats as though the rhythm of the song actually changes. The chorus occurs three times in the song. When each chorus begins, the dance is also beginning. Perform sections A, B, and C, and then perform sections D1 and D2. When you complete section D2, you will be facing the 6:00 wall. Start the dance over again from this point. START HERE AFTER COMPLETING SECTION C FOR THE "Honky Tonk" CHORUS D1. "ATTITUDE" WALK (4/4 TIME) 25-28 Walk forward with attitude! Left, Right, Left, Right D2. STOMP FORWARD, HIP BUMPS, HOLD, HIP BUMPS, HOLD, ROCK (TRIPLETS) 29 Stomp Left slightly forward with feet shoulder width apart 30 Bump hips Right 31 Bump hips Left 32 Bump hips Right 33 Hold 34 Hold 35 Hold 36 Bump hips Left 37 Bump hips Right 38 Bump hips Left 39 Hold 40 Rock in place Right NOTE: This is a tricky section to count and call out. I recommend "Stomp, hip, hip, hip, (hold, hold, hold) hip, hip, hip, (hold) rock." Or, try "Stomp, right, left, right, (hold, hold, hold) left, right, left, (hold) right." If you bump your hips in time with the guitar riffs, you're there! BEGIN DANCE AGAIN WITH NEW WALL AT 12:00! "Honky Tonk Attitude" Phrasing Counts Dance Sections Performed --------------------- ------ ------------------------ Intro break + 16 (none) Verse 48 A-B-C-D-E-F Verse 48 A-B-C-D-E-F Chorus 28 + break A-B-C-D1-D2 Instrumental 48 A-B-C-D-E-F Verse 48 A-B-C-D-E-F Chorus 28 + break A-B-C-D1-D2 Instrumental 48 A-B-C-D-E-F Instrumental 48 A-B-C-D-E-F Verse 48 A-B-C-D-E-F Chorus 28 + break A-B-C-D1-D2 Finish 40 A-B-C-D-E Permission is granted to freely reproduce and distribute this step description.