CHOREOGRAPHER:  Natalie Hillier, Heroes and Villains,
		Cheltenham, England. 24.1.98
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Advanced Beginner
MUSIC:  Wink by Neal McCoy-116bpm (start on vocals)
	Homespun Love by The Ranch (start on vocals)
	I’d Love You To Love Me by Emilio (start on vocals)
	Man, I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain (start on vocals)
	Love Gets Me Every Time by Shania Twain (start on vocals)	

Phrasing and Styling when using Wink: Dance walls 1 and 2 as normal,
then for 16 count instrumental bridge at start of wall 3, dance only
first 16 counts, then begin a new full pattern, and continue full
patterns to end of music. Optional - but fun: exaggerated wink or tip
hat (or for extroverts - both!) when Neal McCoy sings the word Wink
(at end of each full pattern).

1&2	Right side shuffle making 1/4 turn right on last step
3	Left foot step forward
4	Pivot 1/2 turn right on right foot
5&6	Left forward shuffle 	
7	Right foot step forward
8	Rock back on to left foot

&9	Jazz jump to right side 
	(feet together, and Left knee slightly bent for styling)
10	Hold
&11	Jazz jump to left side 
	(feet together, and Right knee slightly bent)
12	Hold
13	Clap hands diagonally down on left side 
	whilst bending left knee (Right leg straight)
14	Snap fingers up on right side, shoulder height and out to side, 
	whilst bending right knee (Left leg straight)
15	Clap hands up on left side, shoulder height and out to side, 
	whilst bending left knee (Right leg straight)
16	Snap fingers diagonally down on right side 
	whilst bending right knee (Left leg straight). 
	These 8 counts use the hands to make an X shape

17&18	Right sailor shuffle whilst moving slightly backwards
19&20	Left sailor shuffle whilst moving slightly backwards
21	Walk forward Right
22	Walk forward Left
23	Hitch right knee across front of left leg
&24	Jazz jump back with feet shoulder width apart, 
	landing right, left and moving weight to left leg

25&26	Right foot kick forward, Quickly close right foot beside left and
	point left toe out to side with finger snap (Right Kick-Ball Point)
27&28	Left foot kick forward, Quickly close left foot beside right and
	point right toe out to side with finger snap. (Left Kick-Ball Point)
29&30	Right foot kick forward, Quickly close right foot beside left and
	point left toe out to side with finger snap. (Right Kick-Ball Point)
31&32	Left foot kick forward, Quickly close left foot beside right and
	point right toe out to side with finger snap. (Left Kick-Ball Point)

Optional ending when using Wink: 
On wall 10 (the third time of facing 9:00 there are only 8 counts 
before end. To finish facing 12:00, change usual first 8 counts to:

1&2	Right side shuffle making 1/4 turn right on last step
3	Left foot step forward, (4) Rock back onto right foot
5&6	Left coaster step
7	Stomp Right foot out to side
8	Tip hat and/or wink


Reformatted for display on web site 
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.