SMOKIN COWBOY CHOREOGRAPHER: "Rodeo" Ruth Lamden COUNT: 76 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Advanced MUSIC: I'm A Cowboy by The Smokin' Armadillos HEEL, HITCH, HEEL, HITCH, GRAPEVINE RIGHT, TOUCH 1 Right heel dig in front 2 Hitch right knee 3 Right heel dig crossed over left foot 4 Hitch right knee 5 Step right foot to right side 6 Cross left behind right 7 Step right foot to right side 8 Touch left next to right HEEL, HITCH, HEEL, HITCH, GRAPEVINE LEFT, STEP 9 Left heel dig in front 10 Hitch left knee 11 Left heel dig crossed over right foot 12 Hitch left knee 13 Step left foot to left side 14 Cross right behind left 15 Step left foot to left side 16 Step right next to left JUMPING JACKS &17 Step back on left foot and right heel dig diagonally forward &18 Jump right foot back to place and quickly step left next to right &19 Step back on right foot and left heel dig diagonally forward &20 Jump left foot back to place and quickly step right next to left &21 Step back on left foot and right heel dig diagonally forward &22 Jump right foot back to place and quickly step left next to right &23 Step back on left foot and right heel dig diagonally forward &24 Jump right foot back to place and quickly step left next to right JUMP, CROSS, UNWIND, JUMP, CROSS, UNWIND 25 Jump feet apart 26 Jump crossing right over left 27-28 Unwind a full turn over left shoulder (still face front) 29 Jump feet apart 30 Jump crossing right over left 31-32 Unwind 1/2 turn over left shoulder SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE, 1/4 TURN SHUFFLE, 1/2 TURN SHUFFLE 33&34 Step forward right, close left to right, step forward right 35&36 Step forward left, close right to left, step forward left 37&38 1/4 turn to face right, shuffle right, left, right 39&40 1/2 turn to face left, shuffle left, right, left OUT AND IN STEPS 41 1/4 turn right by stepping right foot out to right side 42 Step left foot out to left (bend the knees on these 2 steps) 43 Step right back to place 44 Step left back to place (straighten legs on these 2 steps) 45 1/4 turn right by stepping right foot out to right side 46 Step left foot out to left (bend the knees on these 2 steps) 47 Step right back to place 48 Step left back to place (straighten legs on these 2 steps) OUT, OUT, SLAP IT AND SHOOT 49 Step right to right side 50 Step left to left side (knees bent) 51 Right hand slap and hold right buttock 52 Left hand slap and hold left buttock (No, your own, cheeky!) 53-54 Look over right shoulder, aim & fire imaginary gun twice 55-56 Look over left shoulder, aim & fire imaginary gun twice 1/2 TURN, 1/2 TURN, 1/2 TURN, TAP 57 Pivoting on ball of left foot, swing right behind to make a 1/2 turn over right shoulder (weight on right facing opposite wall) 58 Pivoting on ball of right foot, swing left in front to make a 1/2 turn over right shoulder (weight on left facing original wall) 59 Pivoting on ball of left foot, swing right behind to make a 1/2 turn over right shoulder (weight on right facing opposite wall) 60 Tap left foot next to right SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE, STEP, PIVOT, STEP, PIVOT 61&62 Step forward left, close right to left, step forward left 63&64 Step forward right, close left to right, step forward right 65 Step forward on left 66 Pivot 1/2 turn to right (face back) 67 Step forward on left 68 Pivot 1/2 turn to right (face front) SIDE, SHIMMY, PIVOT, SIDE, SHIMMY, STEP 69 Take a large step to the left with left foot 70-71 Slide right foot to left and shimmy shoulders 72 With weight on left foot, pivot 1/2 turn left 73 Take a large step to the right with right foot 74-75 Slide left foot to right and shimmy shoulders 76 Close left to right, taking weight on left REPEAT From: Sue Aylward ( Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown