aka's: Side Slidin'

CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Hookie, Arlington, TX, March 1994
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Intermediate
MUSIC: Boomerang Love by Jimmie Buffet (preferred)
	Just Enough Rope by Rick Trevino

General Dance Description: Four directional type line dance.
All dancers start off in single file lines all facing LOD.


1.	1	Left toe forward and twist in toward instep of right foot
	2	Twist left toe out - left heel next to right foot
	3	Left foot step across right foot
	&	Right foot slide to the right - behind left foot
	4	Left foot step to the right

2. 	1	Right foot forward and twist right toe in toward instep of left foot
	2	Twist right toe out- right heel next to left foot
	3	Right foot step across left foot
	&	Left foot slide to the left - behind right foot
	4	Right foot step to the left

3. 	1	Left toe touch to the side
	2	Lift left foot and bend knee 'tight' and
		arch back while making a 1/4 turn to the right
	3	Left foot step back
	&	Right foot step back
	4	Left foot step across right foot

4. 	1	Touch right foot to the side
	&	Push right foot off the ground and make a 1/4 turn to the left
	2	Touch right foot to the side
	&	Push right foot off the ground and make a 1/4 turn to the left
	3	Right foot step back
	&	Left foot step back
	4	Slide right foot forward

5. 	1	Left foot step forward towards 11:00
	2	Right foot touch next to left foot
	3	Right foot return to center
	4	Slide left foot back to center

6. 	1	Right foot touch to the side
	2	Bring right knee up next to left leg
		while making a 1/2 turn to the left
	3	Lunge right foot to the side
	4	Slide left foot next to right foot

7. 	1	Right heel touch forward
	&	Return right foot center
	2	Touch left toe straight back
	&	Twist ½ turn to the left and raise left foot that is
		now forward off the ground very slightly
	3	Touch left heel forward
	4	Bring left foot center

7. 	1	Right heel touch forward
	&	Return right foot center
	2	Touch left toe straight back
	&	Twist ½ turn to the left and raise left foot that is
		now forward off the ground very slightly
	3	Touch left heel forward
	4	Bring left foot center

Variations: No Variations

Suggested Dance Style: A very expressive dance. All movements should be
performed with excitement and expression in both upper and lower body
movements. Syncopated steps should be sharp and quick, the 'side-slide'
combination should be elongated and expressive. Hand claps can be added
to accentuate the dance, upper body movements are encouraged to add to
the excitement of the dance.

Comments: Slide Slidin' Boomerang was choreographed for the Cowichian Goes
Country dance workshop in Mill Bay B.C., Canada May, 1994, to Rick Trevino's
song - Just Enough Rope. The song that the dance is "best" performed to is
Jimmy Buffet's song Boomerang Love. The syncopated steps of the dance
perfectly match the syncopated rhythm of the song. A perfect match!!


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.