SHUT UP & DANCE! CHOREOGRAPHER: The Girls (Maureen & Michelle) E-mail: or COUNT: 32 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate/Advanced MUSIC: Shut Up And Dance by Liberty X-94 BPM (Start on vocals - 16 count introduction) (Holding On To Love Single CD1) Waiter! Bring Me Water! by Shania Twain-82 BPM (Start on vocals - 8 counts from commencement of main beat) (Album: Up! (Red CD)) HEEL TOUCH, SHUFFLE, TOUCHES, 1/4 TURN LEFT, HITCH, POINT, HITCH, 1/4 TURN RIGHT, STEP, TAPS 1& Touch right heel forward, step right beside left 2&3 Shuffle forward left, right, left 4 Touch right toe forward (bend left knee and lean back) 5 Touch right toe back (bend left knee and lean forward) &6 Turn 1/4 left and hitch right knee, point right to right &7 Hitch right knee, turn 1/4 right and step right diagonally back right &8 Tap left in front of right, tap left across right DIAGONAL HIP BUMPS, DIAGONAL SHUFFLE, ROCK, 1/4 TURN WITH LONG STEP, ELVIS KNEE-STEP-TOUCH 9-10 Touch left diagonally forward left and bump hips left, bump hips diagonally back right 11&12 Shuffle diagonally forward left stepping left, right, left (emphasise with Cuban hips) 13&14 Rock right forward, recover back onto left, turn 1/4 right and step right long step right 15&16 Keeping left toe in place drop left knee towards right (turn head right), step left to left (return head to front), touch right beside left HITCH, TOUCH, HITCH, STEP, HITCH WITH 1/2 TURN, TOUCH, HITCH, STEP, HIP BUMPS &17 Hitch right knee, touch right to right &18 Hitch right knee, step right slightly further to right &19 Hitch left knee and turn 1/2 right, touch left to left &20 Hitch left knee, step left slightly further to left 21&22 Bump hips left, right, left, gradually bending knees and lowering body on each bump 23&24 Bump hips right, left, right, gradually straightening knees and raising body to original position CROSS-ROCK-SIDE, STEP-CROSS-POINT, CROSS, MONTEREY 1/2 TURN WITH HITCHES 25&26 Rock left across right, recover weight on right, step left long step left 27&28 Step right beside left, step left across right, point right to right (bend left knee and make point a sharp, precise movement) 29&30 Step right across left, hitch left knee, point left to left &31 Hitch left knee and turn 1/2 left, step left beside right &32& Hitch right knee, point right to tight, hitch right knee From: "pseudonym242Step sheet presentation copyright ©2002 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits." Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown