SHOO BEE DO CHOREOGRAPHER: Dan & Sharon Ross (10/97) 3937 Topaz Lane Virginia Beach, VA 23456-1356 (757) 471-9147 COUNT: 48 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Shoo Bee Do Bee Do (I Like That Way) by La Bouche-116bpm You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees-120bpm I Belong To You by Gina G.-130bpm See Rock City by Rick Trevino-130bpm Rio Dio Noches by Los Del Rio-134bpm FORWARD & BACK JUMPS WITH KNEE ROLLS, KICK-FLICK 1/4 TURN & Step RIGHT foot forward 1 Step LEFT foot next to Right 2-3 Roll RIGHT knee out and in & Step LEFT foot backward 4 Step RIGHT foot next to left 5-6 Roll LEFT knee out and in 7 Kick RIGHT foot forward 8 Flick RIGHT foot backward as you turn 1/4 turn to the RIGHT with the weight on your left foot (OPTION:) Touch RIGHT toe next to left foot after turning 1/4 turn right FORWARD & BACK JUMPS WITH KNEE ROLLS, KICK-FLICK, 1/4 TURN & Step RIGHT foot forward 9 Step LEFT foot next to Right 10-11 Roll RIGHT knee out and in & Step LEFT foot backward 12 Step RIGHT foot next to Right 13-14 Roll LEFT knee out and in 15 Kick RIGHT foot forward 16 Flick RIGHT foot backward as you turn 1/4 turn to the RIGHT with the weight on your left foot (OPTION:) Touch RIGHT toe next to left foot after turning 1/4 turn right HEEL TAPS, JUMP-CROSS, STEP, CROSS, STEP, HIP SWAYS 17 Tap RIGHT heel diagonally forward right 18 Tap RIGHT heel diagonally forward right & Hop slightly to the right side, switching weight to RIGHT foot 19 Cross/step LEFT foot over right foot 20 Step RIGHT foot to right side 21 Cross/step LEFT foot behind right foot 22 Step RIGHT foot to right side 23 Sway hips to the LEFT 24 Sway hips to the RIGHT HEEL TAPS, JUMP-CROSS, STEP, CROSS, STEP, HIP SWAYS 25 Tap LEFT heel diagonally forward left 26 Tap LEFT heel diagonally forward left & Hop slightly to the left side, switching weight to LEFT foot 27 Cross/step RIGHT foot over left foot 28 Step LEFT foot to left side 29 Cross/step RIGHT foot behind left foot 30 Step LEFT foot to left side 31 Sway hips to the RIGHT 32 Sway hips to the LEFT TRAVELING KICK-BALL-STEP, ROCK STEP, TRAVELING KICK-BALL-STEP, 1/4 TURN, TOGETHER 33 Kick RIGHT foot diagonally forward right & Step RIGHT foot next to left foot 34 Step LEFT foot forward diagonally right 35 Step RIGHT foot diagonally forward right swaying hips forward 36 Rock back onto LEFT foot swaying hips back 37 Kick RIGHT foot diagonally forward right & Step RIGHT foot next to left foot 38 Step LEFT foot forward diagonally right 39 Turning 1/4 turn to the left step RIGHT foot back 40 Step LEFT foot next to right SHUFFLE, KICK-BALL-CROSS, UNWIND 1/2 TURN WITH HEEL BOUNCES 41 Step RIGHT foot forward & Step LEFT foot next to right 42 Step RIGHT foot forward 43 Kick LEFT foot forward & Step LEFT foot next to right 44 Cross/step RIGHT foot over left 45-48 Slowly unwind 1/2 turn to the LEFT as you bounce on your heels for 4 beats of music, ending up with your weight on your left foot REPEAT From: (Dancrdan) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown