Shakin' It Up
     Choreographed by Harry & Susan Brooks, 6/10/96, 219-586-2464

32 Count, 4 Wall Line Dance

Music: "Thump Factor" by Smokin Armadillos (Fast) or,
       "All I Want" by Tim McGraw (Medium)

Counts and Steps follow . . .

1,2         Step to right side with right foot,
            cross left foot behind right
3,&,4       Right shuffle to right side - R, L, R

5,6         Step to left side with left foot,
            cross right foot behind left
7,&,8       Left shuffle to left side - L, R, L

1,2,3,4     Step forward w/right foot,
            kick left foot forward & clap,
            step back w/left,
            touch right foot back & clap
Backwards Charleston
5,6,7,8     Step back w/right foot,
            touch left toe back & clap (head & body bow),
            step forward on left foot,
            bring right knee up & hitch

1,&,2       Right shuffle in place turning 1/2 to left - R, L, R
3,4         Rock step back with left foot,
            step in place with right foot

5,6         Rock forward & slightly right crossing left over right,
            rock back stepping back onto right foot
7,&,8       Left Coaster Step - Step back with left,
            step right foot back to left foot,
            step forward with left foot

1,2         Rock forward & slightly left crossing right over left,
            rock back stepping back onto left foot

3,&,4       Right Coaster Step - Step back with right foot,
            step left foot next to right foot,
            step forward with right foot

5,6,7,8     Boogie Walks Forward with 1/4 turn left -
            Step forward with left foot with
            left toes turned to right,
            step forward with right foot with
            right toes turned toward left,
            step forward with left foot (7) &
            turn 1/4 left on ball of left foot,
            hitch right knee & clap (8)
Begin Again!