SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED CHOREOGRAPHER: Mike Traubel & Kelly Wills 757-547-4899 [] COUNT: 64/72, phrased TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: The Shake by Neal McCoy-146bpm NOTES: This dance is phrased to the lyrics of the song. The song follows a 64-72-64-72 pattern. The dance starts on the lyrics on the song. The first 64 steps of the dance are performed on the first and third cycles of the dance when you start facing the front or back walls. The extra 8 counts are performed on the second and fourth cycles of the dance when you end a cycle facing the front or back walls. Therefore, every time Neal sings shake it to the left, shake it to the right, the first 8 counts of the dance are performed. Pattern: Section A Section A+B Section A Section A+B Section A Section A+B SECTION "A"REPEATING SECTION LEFT STEP SHAKES 1 Left foot step to left and at the same time shake hips to left 2 Shake hips to left 3 Right foot stomp next to left foot 4 Clap hands RIGHT STEP SHAKES 5 Right foot step to right and at the same time shake hips to right 6 Shake hips to right 7 Left foot stomp next to right foot 8 Clap hands LEFT SHUFFLE ROCK STEP 9&10 Left side shuffle to left 11 Right foot step back 45 degrees to left 12 Rock forward on left foot (body remains facing forward) RIGHT SHUFFLE ROCK STEP 13&14 Right side shuffle to right 15 Left foot step back 45 degrees to right 16 Rock forward on right foot (body remains facing forward) LEFT ELVIS LEG ROLLS 17 Left foot step slightly to left, and at the same time roll hip/leg CCW to left side 18 Continue to roll hip/leg CCW to right 19 Continue to roll hip/leg CCW to left 20 Hold one count (weight is on left foot) RIGHT ELVIS LEG ROLLS 21 Right foot step slightly to right, and at the same time roll hip/leg CCW to right side 22 Continue to roll hip/leg CCW to left 23 Continue to roll hip/leg CCW to right 24 Hold one count (weight is on right foot) SHAKE LEFT FORWARD 25 Left foot step 45 degrees forward to left and shake/bump hips to left 26 Shake/bump hips to left 27 Right foot touch next to left foot (weight is on left foot) 28 Clap hands SHAKE RIGHT FORWARD 29 Right foot step 45 degrees forward to right and shake/bump hips to right 30 Shake/bump hips to right 31 Left foot touch next to right foot (weight is on right foot) 32 Clap hands STEP OUT, CLAP, STEP IN, CLAP & Left foot step slightly to left (out) 33 Right foot step slightly to right (out) 34 Clap hands & Left foot step to center (in) 35 Right foot step next to left foot (in) 36 Clap hands STEP OUT, CLAP, STEP IN & CROSS, CLAP & Left foot step slightly to left (out) 37 Right foot step slightly to right (out) 38 Clap hands & Left foot step to center (in) 39 Right foot cross in front of left foot 40 Clap hands UNWIND 41-44 Unwind 1/2 turn CCW SHAKE DOWN & UP 45 Shake down 46 Shake down 47 Shake up 48 Shake up (weight transfers to left foot) RIGHT SHUFFLE WITH 1/4 TURN, STEP PIVOT 49 Right foot step to right side, pointing right foot to right making 1/4 turn to right & Left foot step next to right foot 50 Right foot step forward 51 Left foot step forward 52 Pivot 1/2 turn to right LEFT SHUFFLE, STEP PIVOT 53 Left foot step forward & Right foot step next to left foot 54 Left foot step forward 55 Right foot step forward 56 Pivot 1/2 turn to left LEFT SWIVEL WALK 57 Right foot step next to left foot, and at the same time swivel heels to left 58 Toes swivel to left 59 Heels swivel to left 60 Clap hands RIGHT SWIVEL WALK 61 Heels swivel to right 62 Toes swivel to right 63 Heels swivel to right (weight is on right foot) 64 Clap hands SECTION "B"Alternating section PERFORM ON EVEN CYCLES LEFT SHUFFLE FORWARD, PIVOT 65 Left foot step forward & Right foot step next to left foot 66 Left foot step forward 67 Right foot step forward 68 Pivot 1/2 turn to left (CCW) RIGHT SHUFFLE FORWARD, PIVOT 69 Right foot step forward & Left foot step next to right foot 70 Right foot step forward 71 Left foot step forward 72 Pivot 1/2 turn to right (CW) (weight is on right foot) REPEAT From: (Michael Traubel) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown