SEMINOLE WIND CHOREOGRAPHER: Bob Harvey & Lana Harvey, September 12, l992 COUNT: 48 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: Down To Your Last One More by Billy Dean-107bpm (teach) Seminole Wind by John Anderson-128bpm (dance) This dance was choreographed to have as much Indian styling as possible. STEP SLIDES TO RIGHT 1 Moving to the right, step down heavily on RIGHT foot 2 Slide LEFT foot to RIGHT 3 Moving to the right, step down heavily on RIGHT foot 4 Slide LEFT foot to RIGHT 5 Moving to the right, step down heavily on RIGHT foot 6 Slide LEFT foot to RIGHT 7 Moving to the right, step down heavily on RIGHT foot 8 Touch LEFT toe next to RIGHT instep STEP SLIDES TO LEFT 9 Moving to the left, step down heavily on LEFT foot 10 Slide RIGHT foot to LEFT foot 11 Moving to the left, step down heavily on LEFT foot 12 Slide RIGHT foot to LEFT foot 13 Moving to the left, step down heavily on LEFT foot 14 Slide RIGHT foot to LEFT foot 15 Moving to the left, step down heavily on LEFT foot 16 Touch RIGHT toe next to LEFT instep DIGS, STEP BACK, DIG, BACK, DIG, BACK, DIG 17 Dig RIGHT heel slightly forward 18 Dig RIGHT heel slightly forward 19 Step back with RIGHT foot 20 Dig LEFT heel slightly forward 21 Step back with LEFT foot 22 Dig RIGHT heel slightly forward 23 Step back with RIGHT foot 24 Dig LEFT heel slightly forward FOUR CCW QUARTER TURNS 33 Step on LEFT foot 1/4 turn CCW 34 Hop on LEFT foot, bringing RIGHT knee up into a straight hitch (straight down, not touching LEFT knee) 35 Step on RIGHT foot 1/4 turn CCW 36 Hop on RIGHT foot, bringing LEFT knee up into a straight hitch 37 Step on LEFT foot 1/4 turn CCW 38 Hop on LEFT foot, bringing RIGHT knee up into a straight hitch (straight down, not touching LEFT knee) 39 Step on RIGHT foot 1/4 turn CCW 40 Hop on RIGHT foot, bringing LEFT knee up into a straight hitch You have completed a full turn STEP HOPS, QUARTER TURN CCW, STOMPS 41 Step forward on LEFT foot 42 Hop on LEFT foot rocking body slightly forward 43 Step back on RIGHT foot 44 Hop on RIGHT foot rocking body slightly backward 45 Step forward on LEFT foot 46 Hop on LEFT foot making 1/4 turn CCW 47 Stomp RIGHT foot next to LEFT foot 48 Stomp RIGHT foot next to LEFT foot REPEAT INQUIRIES: Lana Harvey (520) 797-7295 e-mail: Step Description revised January 20, l997 Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown