SASSY SHANEY CHOREOGRAPHER: Nancy (Thompson) VerBryck COUNT: 48 TYPE: Circle Partner Flow Dance DIFFICULTY: Intermediate MUSIC: Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under by Shania Twain That Girl's Been Spying On Me by Billy Dean Other ECS/WCS Songs NOTE: Begin in Circle formation, couples face line of dance in Right side by side position, both starting with Left foot 2 SHUFFLES FORWARD, 2 SHUFFLES WITH LADY'S 1/2 TURN RIGHT 1&2 Left shuffle forward 3&4 Right shuffle forward 5&6 Left shuffle forward while turning Ladies Right 1/2 lifting Left hands over her head 7&8 Men Right shuffle forward as Ladies Right shuffle back lowering both joined hands to waist level VINE LEFT, VINE OR TURN RIGHT, VINE OR TURN LEFT, VINE OR TURN RIGHT 9-12 Both vine to Left side holding Right hands only 13-16 Both vine to Right side (or can do a 360 degree Right turn) passing each other and joining Left hands 17-20 Both vine to Left side (or can do a 360 degree Left turn) passing each other and joining Right hands 21-24 Both vine to Right side (or can do a 360 degree Right turn) passing each other and joining Left hands Note: These vines/turns end with a touch of the ball of the foot and not a scuff 4 SHUFFLES IN A CIRCLE AROUND PARTNER 25-32 Holding Left joined hands up with elbows together, shuffle Left, Right, Left, Right in a CCW circle around partner Note: Lady will start and end circle on the inside facing reverse line of dance 2 BUMPS TOGETHER, 2 BUMPS APART, ROLL, ROLL 33-34 Passing Left foot slightly forward, Bump Left hips together twice 35-36 Bump Right hips away twice 37-40 Roll Left hips toward partner twice (like in the Tush Push) STEP, TOUCH, STEP, TOUCH, 4 STEPS TURNING LEFT 41 Releasing Left hands, both Step Left to Left side turning slightly Left 42 Touch ball of Right beside Left and touch Right hands 43 Releasing Right hands, both Step Right to Right side turning slightly Right 44 Touch ball of Left beside Right and touch Left hands 45-48 Releasing Left hands, both step Left, Right, Left, Right with man turning 360 degrees in place, lady turning 1 1/2 Left moving across in front of man, to end in Right side by side Option: Man can do 4 steps in place (no turn) and lady does 1/2 Left turn to rejoin in Right Side by Side REPEAT