Reshuffle (Advanced West Coast Shuffle)
           Choreographed by Greg Underwood,  December 1995
        (Variations to the original "West Coast Shuffle" also
         by Greg Underwood) Step-N-Out Studio (606) 291-2300
32 Counts, 4 Wall Line Dance
Music: ANY WEST COAST SWING such as "Trouble" by Mark Chestnut or
       "You Better Think Twice" by Vince Gill,
       "My Baby's Cooking" by Curtis Day, etc.
       "Who's Gonna Pay for This Broken Heart" by The Cox Family
       "Come Here You" by Carlene Carter

Syncopated Sugar Push
1,2       step forward right, step forward left
3,&,4     kick right foot forward, step back right,
          cross left over right

5,&,6     step back right, step left foot next to right,
          point right toe to right side
7 - 12    repeat above 6 counts

Toe Turns, Quick Points And Hip Roll
17,18     point right foot to right, keeping right toe pointed and
          weight on left foot make a 1/4 turn to right

&,19,20   bring right foot back and together with left,
          point left foot back, keeping left foot back and
          weight on right make 1/4 turn left

&,21      bring left foot together with right and
          point right foot to right side
&,22      bring right foot together with left and
          point left foot to left side

23,24     pull left to right and roll hips in a
          counter-clockwise direction

Reverse Pivot, Side Cross And Unwind
25,26     step back right, holding feet in this position make
          1/2 turn right bringing weight onto left at end of turn
27,28     repeat above 2 counts making only 1/4 turn to right
29,30     step side on right, cross left foot tightly behind right
31,32     holding this position make a complete turn to
          right (360 degrees) ending with weight on left foot and
          left crossed in front of right
Begin Again!