REDNECK SPEED CHOREOGRAPHER: YaVon’s Country Western Dance Instruction And Choreography COUNT: 24 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner MUSIC: Redneckin by Darryl Singletary HITCH-SHUFFLE, HITCH-SHUFFLE 1 Hitch right leg (leaning slightly to the left) &2& Shuffle step to the right (step right, left, right) 3 Hitch left leg (leaning slightly to the right) &4& Shuffle step to the left (step left, right, left) HEEL-1/4 TURN, JUMP FORWARD, HOLD, JUMP BACK, HOLD, KNEE ROLLS 5& Place right heel forward and pivot 1/4 CCW ending with weight evenly on both legs 6 Jump forward on both feet (feet are shoulder width apart) & Hold 7 Jump back on both feet (shoulder width apart) & Hold 8 Roll right knee out & Roll left knee out TOE-HEEL STRUTS, HEELS UP, HEELS DOWN, HEELS UP, HEELS DOWN 9 Step forward on ball of right foot 10 Lower right heel 11 Step forward on ball of left foot 12 Lower left heel 13 Raise both heels off of the floor 14 Lower heels 15 Raise Both heels off of the floor 16 Lower heels KICK-BALL-CHANGE, KICK-BALL-CHANGE, HEEL SWIVEL, TOE SWIVEL 17 Kick right leg straight out to right side &18& Right leg swings behind left foot and leads a step ball change (step right foot behind left, step down on left foot, step right beside left) 19 Kick left leg straight out to left side &20& Left leg swings behind right foot and leads a step ball change (step left foot behind right, step down on right foot, step left beside right) 21 Swivel heels to the left 22 Hold 23 Swivel toes to the left 24 Hold REPEAT