The Redneck Choreographed by Ron Badore & Alice Stevens Description: 4 Wall Line Dance Counts/Steps: Advanced Sequences Suggested Music: "High Tech Redneck" by George Jones Steps and Sequences follow... BUG SQUASH 01 - 04 On counts 1 and 2, step forward on the right heel with right toes pointed left, then roll the heel so the toes move left to right. (This action is similar to crushing a bug with your heel.) On count 3, step the right foot back next to left, shifting weight to the right. On count four, step weight back onto the left. 05 - 08 Repeat steps 01 - 04. GRAPEVINE RIGHT - PIVOT TURNS 09 - 11 Step to the right side with the right foot, step left behind right, step to the right with right foot. 12 - 15 Step forward with left foot, pivot 180 degrees (1/2 turn) to the right. Immediately step forward on the left foot again and pivot 180 degrees (1/2 turn) to the right, back facing the original direction. GRAPEVINE LEFT - PIVOT TURNS 16 - 18 Step to the left side with the left foot, step right behind left, step to the left with left foot. 19 - 22 Step forward with right foot, pivot 180 degrees (1/2 turn) to the left. Immediately step forward on the right foot again and pivot 180 degrees (1/2 turn) to the left. You are now facing your original direction. SHUFFLE & ROCK STEPS 23 - 30 Shuffle forward three times beginning with the right foot (R-L-R, L-R-L, R-L-R), step forward on the left foot and rock back onto the right. 31 - 38 Shuffle backwards three times beginning with the left foot (L-R-L, R-L-R, L-R-L). Step back on the right foot and rock forward onto the left. 1/4 TURN LEFT 39 - 42 Step forward on the right, turn 1/4 turn to the left on the ball of the left foot. Stomp the right foot next to the left and clap. SHIMMY RIGHT - SHIMMY LEFT 43 - 46 Step the right foot to the right side, shake your hips and bend your knees as you shimmy down and then back up. Slide the left foot next to the right on count 46. 47 - 50 Step the feft foot to the left side, shake your hips and bend your knees as you shimmy down and then back up. Slide the right foot next to the left on count 50. WALL CHANGE - HIP THRUSTS 51 - 54 Cross the right foot over the left. Bend the knees and pivot 1/2 turn to the left. Straighten up and lower the heels to the floor on count 54. 55 - 56 With arms held straight out in front, pull the arms back twice quickly as you thrust your hips forward. You are now facing 1/4 turn to right of original position. Begin Again!