CHOREOGRAPHER: Bill & Mare Dodd (4-4-02)
TYPE: Couples Dance
MUSIC: Only Time by Enya

Couple will begin in closed dance position. Man begins on L foot; Lady on R foot.


1-2	MAN:	Rock forward on Left, recover back on Right
	LADY:	Rock back on Right, recover forward on Left
3&4	MAN:	Cha/triple step Left, Right, Left slightly back
	LADY:	Cha/triple step Right, Left, Right slightly forward
5-6	MAN:	Rock back on Right, recover forward on Left
	LADY:	Rock forward on Left, recover back on Right
7&8	MAN:	Cha/triple step Right, Left, Right slightly forward
	LADY:	Cha/triple step Left, Right, Left slightly back


1-2	MAN:	Rock forward on Left, recover back on Right
	LADY:	Turn full turn to Right, stepping Right, Left
	Man uses his Left hand to turn lady, rejoin closed position after lady's turn
3&4	MAN:	Cha/triple step Left, Right, Left slightly back
	LADY:	Cha/triple step Right, Left, Right slightly forward
5-6	MAN:	Rock back on Right, recover forward on Left
	LADY:	Rock forward on Left, recover back on Right
7&8	MAN:	Cha/triple step Right, Left, Right slightly forward
	LADY:	Cha/triple step Left, Right, Left slightly back


1-2	MAN:	Turning 1/4 Right rock forward on Left, recover back on Right
	LADY:	Turning 1/4 Left rock forward on Right, recover back on Left
	Ladies Right hand will be in man's Left, other hands free
3&4	MAN:	Turning 1/4 Left to face partner again cha/triple Left, Right, Left to Left
	LADY:	Turning 1/4 Right to face partner again cha/triple Right, Left, Right to Right
	Both hands will be rejoined at waist level
5-6	MAN:	Turning 1/4 Left rock forward on Right, recover back on Left
	LADY:	Turning 1/4 Right rock forward on Left, recover back on Right
	Ladies Left hand will be in man's Right, other hands free
7&8	MAN:	Turning 1/2 Right cha/triple step Right, Left, Right to Right
	LADY:	Turning 1/2 Left cha/triple step Left, Right, Left to Left
	As couple turns 1/2, they will rejoin with their inside hands: ladies Right in man's Left


1-2	MAN:	Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 Right
	LADY:	Step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 Left
	Couple will release hands during pivot and
	after pivot will join ladies Left hand in man's Right
3&4	MAN:	Cha/triple step forward Left, Right, Left
	LADY:	Cha/triple step forward Right, Left, Right
5-6	MAN:	Step Right slightly back at 45° angle and to Right side, cross Left over Right
	LADY:	Begin 1/2 turn stepping Left across in front of man,
		complete 1/2 turn stepping on Right (lady faces man)
	Curing this turn, man make a "j hook" to turn lady to face him. He turns her by
	extending his Right hand out at waist level to the Right and then hooking it back
	toward his torso. Also, at this point, lady will be on man's Left side
7&8	MAN:	Cha/triple step forward Right, Left, Right
	LADY:	Turning 1 1/2 Left cha/triple step Left, Right, Left
	Man will help lady with her turn by slightly pushing her off with his Right hand.
	This will be a free spin for the lady and after the turn, rejoin ladies Right hand
	in man's Left.
1-2	MAN:	Rock forward on Left, recover back on Right
	LADY:	Rock forward on Right, recover back on Left
3&4	MAN:	Cha/triple back Left, Right, Left
	LADY:	Turning 1/2 Right cha/triple Right, Left, Right
5-6	MAN:	Rock back Right, recover forward Left
	LADY:	Step forward Left, pivot 1/2 Right
7&8	MAN:	Turning 1/4 Left cha/triple Right, Left, Right to Right side
	LADY:	Turning 1/4 Right cha/triple Left, Right, Left to Left side



Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©2002 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.