Northern Lights
                     Choreographed By Doris Lee

   This dance was Choreographed with a Native Indian Theme in mind-
   "Pow-Wow" fashion & should be done in Circles facing inward.
   Circles within Circles is good with inside Circle starting Left
   & next Circle starting Right.

   Counts and Steps follow . . .

    1 -  4   R toe/heel down, L toe/heel down (on the spot).
    5 -  8   Repeat Steps 1-4.
    9 - 14   R Small Step to Right side, pull (Limp Step
             bending knee slightly) L beside R 3 times.
   15 - 20   L Small Step to side, pull R beside L 3 times.
   21 - 24   Pigeon Toes twice (Split heels apart/bring together).
   25 - 28   R Charleston Step
             (Swing R to side/behind L/to side/beside L).

   29 - 32   L Charleston Step
             (Swing R to side/behind L/to side/beside L).
   33 - 36   Pigeon Toes twice.
   37 - 40   R heel front/Hook over L/heel front/Hook over L.
   41 - 42   R heel front & beside L (together).
   43 - 46   L heel front/Hook over R/heel front/Hook over R.
   47 - 48   L heel front & beside R (together).
   49 - 52   Pigeon Toes twice.

   53 - 54   Raise R knee & arm (over head) & say, "Wam", Step R
             & Turn 1/4 to Right, lower arm to hip & say "Pum".
   55 - 56   Raise L knee & arm (over head) & say, "Wam", Step L
             & Turn 1/4 to Left, lower arm to hip & say "Pum".
   57 - 60   Repeat Steps 53-56.
   61 - 64   Step R,L,R,L in Place (bend knees down on 61-62 &
             straighten up on 63-64 & say "Wam-Pum!" with
             emphasis-cheerleader style).
   Start Again!