MUSTANG SALLY (CAJUN STYLE) CHOREOGRAPHER: Damon D'Amico COUNT: 96 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: Mustang Sally by The Commitments LEFT VINE 1 Step left foot to left side 2 Step right foot behind left 3 Step left foot to left side 4 Replace right (weight on right) SAILOR SHUFFLES 5&6 Cross left behind right, step ball of right foot side right, change weight to left as you step side left 7&8 Cross right behind left, step ball of left foot side left, change weight to right as you step side right 9&10 Cross left behind right, step ball of right foot side right, change weight to left as you step side left PIVOT-KICKS 11 Kick right foot forward 12 Pivot 1/4 turn CCW on left foot, kicking right foot forward at end of turn 13 Right foot step next to left 14 Kick left heel forward 15 Pivot 1/4 turn CW on right foot, kicking left foot forward at end of turn 16 Left foot step back straight STEPS BACK, CCW 1-1/8 TURN 17 Step right foot back 18 Step left foot back 19 Step right foot back (feet are apart) 20 Touch left toe forward 21 Begin CCW 1-1/8 turns, progressing forward 22 Continue turning 23 Continue turning 24 Step right foot down (completing turn) (Your body ends up facing 45 degrees left to the starting line-of-dance, backwards, leading into the Tush Push steps that follow...) HIP BUMPS, HIP BUMPS, HIP & ROLL, HIP & ROLL 25 Swing right hip forward, return to center 26 Swing right hip forward, return to center 27 Swing left hip backward, return to center 28 Swing left hip backward, return to center 29 Swing right hip forward 30 Roll hips back 31 Swing right hip forward 32 Roll hips back ANGLE STEPS BACK 33 Step back on right and touch to the right at a 45-degree angle (still facing forward) 34 Slide left foot back and touch next to right foot and clap 35 Step back on left and touch to the left at a 45-degree angle 36 Slide right foot back and touch next to left foot and clap 37 Step back on right and touch to the right at a 45-degree angle 38 Slide left foot back and touch next to right foot and clap 39 Step back on left and touch to the left at a 45-degree angle 40 Slide right foot back and touch next to left foot and clap "MIXING THE PAINT" 41 Step right foot shoulder width apart, placing flexed arms in front 42 Move center of body right forward while pulling elbows back 43 Place flexed arms in front 44 Move center of body left forward while pulling elbows back ROCK BACK, FORWARD, TRIPLE-STEP 45 Rock back on right 46 Rock forward on left 47&48 Triple step forward (right forward, left together, right forward) STEP, PIVOT, TRIPLE STEP 49 Step forward on left foot (no weight change) 50 Pivot CW 1/2 turn onto right 51&52 Triple step left, right, left while turning 1/2 turn CW BACK RIGHT, BACK LEFT, SHIFT WEIGHT, PIVOT RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT 53 Walk back right 54 Walk back left &55 Step right next to left, step slightly forward onto left (or stomp forward) 56 Pivot 1/4 turn CW onto right 57 Pivot 1/2 turn CCW onto left 58 Pivot 1/2 turn CW onto right SHUFFLE, STEP-PIVOT, SHUFFLE, KICK-BALL-CHANGE 59&60 Triple step forward (left forward, right forward, left together) 61 Right forward (no weight change), turn 180 CW 62 Step on left foot 63&64 Triple step right, left, right 65 Kick forward with left foot & Step to left on ball of foot 66 Change weight to right foot SHUFFLES 67&68 Side triple step (left side, right together, left side) 69&70 Shuffle right with 1/2 CCW turn on the "&", right, left, right 71&72 Side triple step (left side, right together, left side) "BREAK" - JUMP OUT, CLAP, JUMP BACK, CLAP, CIRCLE HIPS & Jump out and turn 1/4 CW, landing slightly forward first on right foot 73 Land on left foot, feet should be apart 74 Clap hands & Jump back, landing first on right foot 75 Land on left foot, feet should be apart 76 Clap hands (during next four beats palms are at hips parallel to floor) 77 Move hips to the right 78 Move hips back 79 Move hips to the left 80 Move hips forward TOE POINTS 81 Touch right toe to side & Step right together 82 Touch left toe to side & Step left together 83 Touch right toe to side & Step right together 84 Touch left to side (weight on right) ROLL, STEP, POINT, ROLL, STEP, POINT 85 Roll weight over left foot (first time left is pointing to side) & Step right foot together 86 Point left toe to side 87 Roll weight over left foot & Step right foot together 88 Point left toe to side ROLL, STEP, POINT, ROLL, STEP, POINT 89 Roll weight over left foot & Step right foot together 90 Point left toe to side 91 Roll weight over left foot & Step right foot together 92 Point left toe to side TOE POINTS 93 Step left next to right & Point right foot out to the right 94 Touch left toe to side & Step left together 95 Touch right toe to side & Step right together 96 Touch left to side (weight on right) REPEAT Notes: *41-44 - This "mixing the paint" is a lot like hanging on to a pole know that movie with the stripper and the pole...yeah, like that. The hands shouldn’t move around too much except slightly in the opposite direction of the hips to accent the move. Variation *45-48: Syncopated rock back, forward, triple-step &1 Syncopated rock step, back on right with left heel forward on &1 2 Rock forward on left (weight on left) Variation *77-80: "Shake SOMETHING for four counts" - slightly more entertaining for the audience (and instructor) :-) 85-88: The choreographer describes this as having no "&" counts - a smooth slide: "head shoulder ribcage hips...right foot and head come together at the same time, then kick left foot out to side" From: (Kate Adams) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown