Montana Stomp
                   Choreographed By Jim Ferrazzano

   This is a Line Dance that can be done with two lines facing
   each other and opposite Partners passing between each other.
   Opposite Partners can Clap hands together during Kicks.

    1 -  4   Heel Splits or Twists (twice).

    5 - 10   Touch R forward, return to Center, Touch R forward.
             Hook R in front of L knee,
             Touch R forward, return to Center.
   11 - 12   Heel Split (once).
   13 - 18   Touch L forward, return to Center, Touch L forward,
             Hook L in front of R knee, Touch L forward.
   19 - 22   Step forward L, Kick R, Step back R, Touch back L.

   23 - 26   Step forward L, Kick R,
             Step back R, Stamp L together.
   27 - 30   Grapevine Left, Stomp R.
   31 - 34   Grapevine Right, Scuff L,
             Turn 90 degrees to Right (CW).
   35 - 38   Grapevine Left,
             Turn 270 degrees to the Left (3/4 Turn CCW).

   Start Again!