CHOREOGRAPHER: Charles R. S Bowring
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Easy Intermediate
MUSIC: We Shall Be Free by Garth Brooks-104 bpm (Polka) (CD Garth Brooks The Hits)
Dedicated to: All the volunteers, that helped Manchester show that with a bit of
love tolerance and understanding we can make the world a better place. This song
for me captures the emotion and feeling of Manchester during the Commonwealth
Games. This show of love will be felt in our hearts for a long time to come. I am
proud to have been part of that.
1&2 Left Shuffle forward
3&4 Step right to side, 1/2 turn right on ball of left, Step right to side
5-6 Step left to side, rock onto right
7&8 Step left behind right, step right to side, step left across in front of right
9&10 Stepping right diagonally forward and angling body 1/8 turn left,
bump hips right, left, right
11&12 Stepping left diagonally forward and angling body 1/8 turn right,
bump hips left, right, left
13&14 Stepping right side and turning 1/4 left, bump hips right, left, right
15&16 Left shuffle 3/4 turn left continuing to travel forward
17&18 Kick right forward, in place, side
19&20 Step right behind left, step left to side, touch right beside left
21&22 Step right forward, pivot 1/2 left, 1/2 turn left stepping back on right
23-24 Step left to side, slide right to left (no weight on right)
25-26 Step right to side, step left beside right
27&28 Step right forward, touch left behind right, 1/4 turn right stepping onto left
29-30 Step right to side, rock onto left
31&32 Shuffle right to side
Start again and enjoy (listen to the words)
Tag end of 5th wall:
& Step left in place
1-2 Walk forward right, left
3&4 Step right forward, rock back on left turning 1/2 right, step right forward
5-6 Walk forward left, right
7&8 Step left forward, rock back on right turning 1/2 left, step left forward
9&10 1/4 turn left stepping right to side and pushing hips right, left, right
11&12 1/2 turn left stepping left to side and pushing hips left, right, left
13& Bump hips right, left
14 1/4 turn right stepping on right
15& Step left forward, pivot 1/2 turn right
16 Touch left in place next to right
Charles R. S Bowring
tel: 01925 270579
From: "Charles R. S Bowring"
Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown
Step sheet presentation copyright ©2002 by Don & Patti Brown.
All rights reserved.
Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer.
This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.