LOSING IT! CHOREOGRAPHER: Rosie Multari e-mail multari@aol.com COUNT: 48 TYPE: Partners' contra/Circle Mixer LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Heart's Desire by Lee Roy Parnell-112bpm (teach) I Love The Night Life by Scooter Lee-134bpm In contra circle, partners face each other about four feet apart. The men would line up on inside, and their ladies on the outside, this is their LOD. The footwork is same for both partners. Heel struts may be used to replace the Wiggle Walks. WIGGLE WALKS 1&2 Wiggle Walk forward on Right foot pushing hip and knee CW 3&4 Wiggle Walk forward on Left foot, pushing hip and knee CCW 5&6 Wiggle Walk forward on Right foot pushing hip and knee CW 7&8 Wiggle Walk forward on Left foot, pushing hip and knee CCW (you should be next to your partner*, Right hip to hip, facing LOD) FOUR SHUFFLES IN CIRCLE (Place Right arm around partner's waist as you shuffle in circle Right, Left, Right, Left) 9&10 Shuffle Right, Left, Right 11&12 Shuffle Left, Right, Left 13&14 Shuffle Right, Left, Right 15&16 Shuffle Left, Right, Left (you will finish facing LOD) TAP SIDE, TOUCH, STEP SIDE, SLIDE 17 Tap Right foot to right 18 Tap Right foot next to Left foot 19 Step Right foot to right 20 Slide Left foot together with Right foot WIGGLE WALK 21&22 Wiggle Walk to the left, pushing Left hip and knee CCW 23&24 Wiggle Walk pushing Right hip and knee CW (you should be next to partner, Left hip to hip, facing LOD) HIP BUMPS, STEP, PIVOT, STEP, PIVOT 25-28 Bump Left hips down then up two times (like closing a car door with hips!) 29 Step Left foot forward 30 Pivot CW on Right foot 31 Step Left foot forward 32 Pivot CW on Right foot TAP SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE STEP, SLIDE 33 Tap Right foot to right 34 Tap Right foot next to Left foot 35 Step Right foot to right 36 Slide Left foot together with Right foot SHUFFLE BACK, SHUFFLE BACK, 1/4 TURN SHUFFLE, TOE BACK 37&38 Shuffle backward Right, Left, Right 39&40 Shuffle backward Left, Right, Left 41&42 1/4 turn CW as you shuffle forward Right, Left, Right 43 Touch Left toe behind Right heel 44 Pivot 1/2 turn on Right foot CCW (keep Right weighted) SHUFFLE BACK, ROCK BACK, RECOVER 45&46 Shuffle backward Left, Right, Left 47 Rock back on Right foot 48 1/4 turn CW as you recover on Left foot (facing LOD) BEGIN AGAIN FACING NEW PARTNER! *You'll need to move forward slightly to the left in order to be hip-to-hip on the Right