LONESOME FUN CHOREOGRAPHER: Karl Cregeen (UK-0121-358-6949)(1-6-97) COUNT: TYPE: 1 or 2 Wall Line Dance (depending on length of music) LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Lonely's Never Been So Much Fun by The Dean Brothers Two Of A Kind by Garth Brooks Any medium tempo West Coast Swing Music Due to an 8 Bar Instrumental break in the song, this dance is structured in two parts (A&B) and is danced in the following order (A,A,B,B,A,A,B) taking the entire song to complete. This structure should also fit most west coast swing tempo's. Enjoy & have some 'LONESOME FUN'. If danced to the Dean Brothers track 'Lonely’s Never Been So Much Fun' you end up on the reverse wall (I.E 2 wall), but if danced to most west coast tempo's such as 'Three Of A Kind' by GARTH then the song finishes before you get to the last section 'B' (I.E.1 Wall) The dance is written to continue repeating itself so if you have a longer track to dance it to then you would continue to dance aa,bb,aa,bb,aa,bb,etc....... SECTION A KICK BALL-CHANGE, SHUFFLE FORWARDS 1&2 Kick forward with left foot, step down on the ball of the left as right foot lifts slightly off floor, right foot steps in place 3&4 Shuffle forward left, right, left ROCK STEP & COASTER STEP 5 Step forward with right foot and rock forward 6 Rock back onto left foot 7&8 Step back with right foot, bring left in place next to right, step forward on right 1/2 PIVOT TURN 9 Step forward on left foot 10 Turn 1/2 turn to the right (end with weight on Right foot) KICK BALL-CHANGE, SHUFFLE FORWARDS 11&12 Kick forward with left foot, step down on the ball of the left as right foot lifts slightly off floor, right foot steps in place 13&14 Shuffle forward left, right, left ROCK STEP & COASTER STEP 15 Step forward with right foot and rock forward 16 Rock back onto left foot 17&18 Step back with right foot, bring left in place next to right, step forward on right 1/2 PIVOT TURN 19 Step forward on left foot 20 Turn 1/2 turn to the right (end with weight on Right foot) Note: The next step is similar to the figure eight grapevine in Cruisin' but with the addition of a syncopation step. SYNCOPATED TURNING GRAPEVINE 21 Step left to left side 22 Step right behind left &23 Step left to left and step right over left foot 24 Step left to left side 25 Step right behind left 26 Step to left with left foot as you turn 1/4 left 27 Step forward on right foot 28 Turn 1/2 turn to the left SYNCOPATED TURNING GRAPEVINE 29 Step forward on right foot as you turn 1/4 left 30 Step with left foot behind right foot &31 Step right to right side, then left over right 32 Step to right side with right 33 Step left behind the right 34 Step to right with right foot as you turn 1/4 right 35 Step forward on left foot 36 Turn 1/2 turn to the right FORWARD SHUFFLE & 1/2 PIVOT LEFT 37&38 Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left 39 Step forward on right 40 Turn 1/2 turn to the left 41&42 Shuffle forward right, left, right 43 Step forward on left 44 Turn 1/2 turn to the right KICK BALL-CHANGE, STEP TURN 45&46 Kick forward with left foot, step down on the ball of the left as right foot lifts slightly off floor, right foot steps in place 47 Step forward on left foot as you turn 1/4 right 48 Touch right next to left SIDE SHUFFLES & SYNCOPATIONS 49&50 Side shuffle to right side on right, left, right 51&52 Cross left behind right foot, step to right side with right foot, cross left in front of right foot 53&54 Touch right heel forward, step back on right foot, cross left over right foot 55-56 Unwind to the right (end with weight on LEFT) SIDE SHUFFLES & SYNCOPATIONS 57&58 Side shuffle to right side on right, left, right 59&60 Cross left behind right foot, step to right side with right foot, cross left in front of right foot 61&62 Touch right heel forward, step back on right foot, cross left over right foot 63&64 Unwind to the right (weight on RIGHT) SECTION B TWO 1/4 PIVOT TURNS & JAZZ BOX 1 Step forward on left foot 2 Turn 1/4 to the right 3 Step forward on left foot 4 Turn 1/4 to the right 5 Step with left foot over right 6 Step back with right foot 7 Step to left with left foot 8 Touch right in place SYNCOPATION & POSE 9&10 Touch right heel forward, step back on right, cross left over right 11-12 Touch right heel 45° to the right corner as you extend the arms either side of your body, palms down) (The pose step can be turned into a slide step to the side for the more energetic) COASTER STEP, STOMP & CLAP 13&14 Step back on right foot, step in place next to right with left foot, step forward on right foot 15 Stomp left foot next to right (no weight) 16 Clap REPEAT With the compliments of THE SILVER STAR W.D.C. (Members of C.M.A./ GPTD/ D&G/ NTA/ BWDA/ BWDC) Step description written by Karl Cregeen (Silver Star W.D.C) & Dedicated to his Wife Helen for her support THANK YOU!! Received from: karlc@globalnet.co.uk (Karl Cregeen) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm