CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Hookie, Arlington, Texas, October 1994
TYPE: Modified 2 Wall Contra Line Dance
LEVEL: Advanced Beginner
MUSIC: Crescent City by Emmy Lou Harris
General Dance Description: Modified two directional type Contra line dance.
All dancers start off in two single file lines off set from each other,
with left sides facing center. After completing the pattern, dancers will
have traded sides and are now facing the opposite direction.
Before beginning the dance please refer to the comment section.
1. 1 Push left foot to the side while making an 1/8 of a turn right
2 Push left foot to the side while making an 1/8 of a turn right
(for a total of a 1/4 turn right)
3&4 Shuffle in place with a left foot lead
2. 1 Push right foot to the side while making 1/4 of a turn left
2 Push right foot to the side while making 1/4 of a turn left
(for a total of a 1/2 turn left)
3&4 Shuffle in place with a right foot lead
3. 1&2 Shuffle forward toward opposite line with a left foot lead
and twist slightly to the right
3&4 shuffle forward toward opposite line with right foot lead
and twist slightly to the left
5&6 Continue to turn to the left and face away from the opposite line
and shuffle backward with a left foot lead
7&8 Shuffle backward with a right foot lead
and make a 1/4 of a turn right
4. 1 Left foot step forward
2 Make a 1/2 pivot turn to the right
3&4 Shuffle step in place with a left foot lead
5 Right foot step forward
6 Make a 1/2 pivot turn to the left
7&8 Shuffle step in place with a right foot lead
5. 1 Left foot step to the side
2 Shift weight on to right foot
3 Left foot step behind right foot
& Right foot step to the side
5 Left foot step across in front of right foot
6. 1 Right foot step to the side
2 Shift weight on to left foot
3 Right foot step behind left foot
& Left foot step to the side
4 Shift weight on to right foot
Bridge (See Comment Section)
# 1 Left foot step forward
2 Make a 1/2 pivot turn to the right
3 Left foot step forward
4 Make a 1/2 pivot turn to the right
Variations: A 1 1/4 turn could be performed in Step 1 and a 1 1/2 could be
performed in Step 2. Additional turns could be performed in Step 3.
Additional turns could be performed on shuffle steps in Step 4.
A quick full turn could be performed on Beat #2 of Steps 5 and 6.
Suggested Dance Style: The style of (Kristyn's) Cajun Lullaby is very smooth.
All push steps have a slight bounce to them and all Shuffles have a slight
bounce to them. A Cajun/Zydeco- Latin style is performed throughout the dance.
Suggested Music:
Most Latin Rhythms and a variety of Cajun and Zydeco rhythms.
Songs with perfect 32 count phrasing are the most desired.
Comments: (Kristyn's) Cajun Lullaby is a beautiful modified Contra line
dance in which when the lines of dancers pass each other - the choreography
actually makes the dancers to continue to face each other throughout the
pass. (Kristyn's) Cajun Lullaby is a perfect 32 count dance that was
choreographed to Emmy Lou Harris' Crescent City which is a 32 count phrased
song with one exception. At the end of the fifth 32 count set, there is an
additional 'stray' 4 counts. So instead of throwing the entire dance off
four counts for the remainder of the dance, a four count 'bridge' is
inserted. If performing to the song Crescent City, Begin the dance after
the first 32 counts and perform the four count bridge only once in the
dance at the completion of the fourth run through of the dance.
(Kristyn's) Cajun Lullaby was choreographed one weekend when Chris was
watching his daughter Kristyn (9 months old at the time). He had been
working on the basic frame work of the dance for almost a month but when
Kristyn became fussy, Chris picked her up and continued to work on the dance
and Kristyn fell asleep in his arms. Chris debuted his new dance the
following week at his and his wife's Friday night dance class at Nine Acres.
Chris told the class how the dance was developed, that the dance was
Cajun/Zydeco in nature and that it was unnamed. And that after everyone had
a chance to try the dance out - they had the opportunity to make any last
minute suggestions on changes and a chance to name the dance. Only one
name was suggested, because it was perfect.
Texas Boot Scooter, Mary Handy came up with "(Kristyn's) Cajun Lullaby"
because Kristyn helped in it's creation, it put her to sleep and the
Cajun style of the dance should be in the name.
Chris, Marcia and Kristyn hope you enjoy performing the dance.
Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown
Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown.
All rights reserved.
Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer.
This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.