JAMMIN CHOREOGRAPHER: Unknown COUNT: 32 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: Put Some Drive In Your Country by Travis Tritt-107bpm We Dared The Lightning by The Bellamy Brothers-117bpm Hot To Molly by Mila Mason CHUGS 1& Touch left foot to left side and bend left knee, bring knee towards chest and back down to floor 2& Touch left foot to left side and bend left knee, pushing off the left foot and pivoting on your right 1/8 to the right 3& Touch left foot to left side and bend left knee, pushing off the left foot and pivoting on your right 1/8 to the right 4& Touch left foot to left side and bend left knee, pushing off the left foot and pivoting on your right 1/8 to the right 5& Touch left foot to left side and bend left knee, pushing off the left foot and pivoting on your right 1/8 to the right 6& Touch left foot to left side and bend left knee, pushing off the left foot and pivoting on your right 1/8 to the right 7& Touch left foot to left side and bend left knee, pushing off the left foot and pivoting on your right 1/8 to the right 8& Touch left foot to left side and bend left knee (Pump hands up and down at sides as you turn) SIDE TO SIDE, HITCH,STOMP 9 Touch left foot out to left side 10 Jump and switch right foot out to right side 11 Jumpand switch left foot out to left side &12 Bring left knee up towards chest and stomp left foot next to right 13 Touch right foot out to right side 14 Jump and switch left foot out to left side 15 Jumpand switch right foot out to right side &16 Bring right knee up towards chest and stomp right foot next to left ROGER RABBIT STEPS START WITH LEFT 17 Walk back with left (directly behind right foot) 18 Walk back with right (directly behind left foot) 19 Walk back left (directly behind right foot) & Stomp right foot (keep right in front of left) 20 Stomp left foot in place RIGHT STEP DRAGS 21 Step forward with right foot 22 Drag left up to right 23 Step forward with right foot 24 Drag left up to right ROGER RABBIT STEPS START WITH RIGHT 25 Walk back right (directly behind left foot) 26 Walk back left (directly behind right foot) 27 Walk back right (directly behind left foot) & Stomp left foot (keep left in front of right) 28 Stomp right foot LEFT STEP DRAGS 29 Step forward with left foot 30 Drag left up to right 31 Step forward with left foot 32 Drag left up to right REPEAT From: evansp@UWSTOUT.EDU (Pollie Evans) Pollie in Western, Wi evansp@uwstout.edu Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm