JAMAICAN JITTERS CHOREOGRAPHER: Barry Amato COUNT: 40 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: Little Bit Is Better Than Nada by Texas Tornados Hot, Hot, Hot by Buster Poindexter SHUFFLE SIDE LEFT, SHUFFLE SIDE RIGHT WHILE ROLLING HANDS 1&2 Shuffle to left side Left, Right, Left while rolling hands 3&4 Shuffle to right side Right, Left, Right while rolling hands TWIST R-L-R-L, SHUFFLE FORWARD 5 Twist on balls of both feet as you extend left forearm straight up and place right fist next to the left elbow 6 Twist both feet to the right and opposite arms from count 5 7&8 Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left TOUCH/CLAP, TOGETHER, TOUCH BACK/CLAP, TOGETHER 9 Touch right foot forward and clap your hands bringing arms over your head 10 Step on right bringing it back next to the left 11 Touch left foot back and clap your hands bring down below your waist 12 Step on left foot, bringing it back next to the right JITTERS 13-16 This set of counts 5 - 8 will be counted as &5&6&7&8 As you do this, hop forward as you place your arms out to the side; shimmy your shoulders and lean back slightly, as though you are doing the "Limbo". Your footwork is right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left TOUCH, TOGETHER, TOUCH, TOGETHER Try to put a little "hip action" with it. 17 Touch right foot forward 18 Bring right foot back next to left and step on right 19 Touch left foot forward 20 Bring left foot back next to right and step on left SYNCOPATED STEPS 21 Step forward on right 22 Step forward on left (count 22 should be syncopated, following count 21 immediately). 23 Step forward on right & Step forward on left 24 Step forward on right 3 STEP TURN LEFT, BALL-CHANGE, 3 STEP TURN RIGHT, BALL-CHANGE (Ladies hold their arms out to the side, bent at the elbow with the forearm straight up, they should be in shape of an "L"). 25 Step 1/4 turn to left on left 26 Pivot 1/4 turn to left and step on right foot 27 Pivot 1/2 turn to face front and step on left foot & Step out to the right on right foot 28 Transfer weight quickly to left 29 Step 1/4 turn to right on right 30 Pivot 1/4 turn to right and step on left foot 31 Pivot 1/2 turn to face front and step on right foot & Step out to the left on left foot 32 Transfer weight quickly to right SAILOR SHUFFLES FORWARD 33 Traveling forward, cross left behind right & Transfer weight quickly to right foot 34 Step on left foot in place 35 Continue to travel forward by crossing right behind left & Transfer weight quickly to left 36 Step on right foot in place BODY ROLL CCW 37-40 Roll hips back and around in a circular motion as you turn in a circle to the left. As you do this step Left, Right, Left, Right REPEAT Jill Riley Skyline Music jill@skylineonline.com From: jillriley@juno.com (Jill Riley Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm