I WANT TO FLY CHOREOGRAPHER: John "Grrowler" Rowell (27 Feb 2003) (UK) Tel: +44 (0)1723 364736 Email: Grrowler@btopenworld.com COUNT: 32 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Fly by Diamond Jack-118 BPM (Intro: Counts 16 (heavy beat)/16 secs Start on vocals) (CD: All Good Things) Dedicated to the work of the NSPCC "Cruelty To Children Must Stop.......FULL STOP" Numbers in square brackets [ ] indicate facing direction 1-8 HEEL-HITCH, HEEL-HITCH, LEFT SHUFFLE, WALK-WALK, ROCK-RECOVER 1& Tap left heel forward, hitch left knee [12] 2& Tap left heel forward, hitch left knee [12] 3&4 Step forward left, step right next to left, step left forward [12] 5-6 Step forward right, step forward left 7-8 Rock forward on right, recover weight on left [12] ADVANCED OPTION: STEPS 5,6 CAN BE REPLACED WITH RUNNING MAN STEPS &5 Slide left back hitching right knee, step forward right [12] &6 Slide right back hitching left knee, step forward left [12] 9-16 BACK-LOCK-STEP, COASTER STEP, STEP-SCUFF, STEP-TAP-STEP/KICK 1&2 Step back right, lock left over front of right, step back right [12] 3&4 Step left back, step right next to left, step forward left [12] 5-6 Step right forward, scuff left forward [12] 7& Step left forward, tap right toe behind left [12] 8 Stepping back on right kick left forward [12] 17-24 TURN-BEHIND, SIDE-INFRONT-TURN, RIGHT SAILOR, LONG STEP-SLIDE 1-2 Step left back quarter turn left [CCW], step right behind left [9] 3& Step left to left, step right in front of left [9] 4 Step left quarter turn right [CW] [12] 5&6 Step right behind left, step left in place, step right in place [12] 7-8 Long step forward on left, slide right locking behind left [12] 25-32 FORWARD-LOCK-STEP, ROCK-RECOVER, 3 STEP TURN, TOUCH 1&2 Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward [12] 3-4 Rock forward right, recover weight to left [12] 5 Pivot quarter right on ball of left stepping right to right [CW] [3] 6 On ball of right pivot half turn right stepping left to left [CW] [9] 7 On ball of left pivot half turn right stepping right to right [CW] [3] 8 Touch left next to right [3] START AGAIN.............WITH A BIG SMILE! Choreographer's Note: The music phrasing for this song is not an even count......just dance through it. On the lyrics "I want to fly" spread your arms and FLY! Enjoy.....GRR! From: "grrowlerukStep sheet presentation copyright ©2002 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits." Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/CactusStar/home.htm