I LIKE IT CHOREOGRAPHER: Gordon Elliott COUNT: 64 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: I Like It, I Love It by Tim McGraw-124bpm POINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS, UNWIND, TOUCH BACK, SHUFFLE 1 Point right toe out to right side 2 Cross right foot in front of left 3 Point left toe out to left side 4 Cross left foot in front of right 5 Unwind 1/2 turn to right 6 Touch right toe behind 7&8 Step right foot forward, step left foot to right foot, step right foot forward. POINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS, UNWIND, TOUCH BACK, SHUFFLE 9 Point left toe out to left side 10 Cross left foot in front of right 11 Point right toe out to right side 12 Cross right foot in front of left 13 Unwind 1/2 turn to left 14 Touch left toe behind 15&16 Step left foot forward, step right foot to left foot, step left foot forward. KICK, KICK, STOMPS, KICK, KICK, STOMPS 17 Kick right foot forward 18 Kick right foot to right side 19&20 Stomp right in place, stomp left in place, stomp right in place 21 Kick left foot forward 22 Kick left foot to left side 23&24 Stomp left in place, stomp right in place, stomp left in place STEP, HEEL DIG, STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, HEEL DIG, TOUCH, TOGETHER 25 Step right foot to right 26 Dig left heel to left with clap 27 Step left foot in place 28 Step right foot to left 29 Step left foot to left 30 Dig right heel to right with clap 31 Step right foot in place 32 Touch left foot to right GRAPEVINE LEFT, SLAP, HEEL, TOE, STOMP, STOMP 33 Step left foot to left 34 Step right foot behind left 35 Step left foot to left 36 Slap right heel behind left leg with left hand 37 Dig right heel to side 38 Tap right toe to side 39 Stomp right in place 40 Stomp right in place GRAPEVINE RIGHT, SLAP, HEEL, TOE, STOMP, STOMP 41 Step right foot to right 42 Step left foot behind right 43 Step right foot to right 44 Slap left heel behind right leg with right hand 45 Dig left heel to side 46 Tap left toe to side 47 Stomp left in place 48 Stomp left in place HIP BUMPS, HIP ROLL, 1/4 TURN WITH SCUFF 49 Step left foot to left and slightly forward, and bump left hip forward 50 Bump left hip forward 51 Bump right hip back 52 Bump right hip back 53-55 Roll hips anticlockwise for three counts 56 Pivot 1/4 turn left on left foot while scuffing right foot around GRAPEVINE RIGHT, TOUCH, TURNING GRAPEVINE LEFT, TOUCH 57 Step right foot to right 58 Step left foot behind right 59 Step right foot to right 60 Touch left foot to right 61 Step left foot to left, making 1/4 turn left 62 Step right foot around left to right making 1/2 turn left 63 Step left foot around and behind right making 1/4 turn left 64 Touch right foot to left REPEAT