I LIKE IT! CHOREOGRAPHER: Bob Davis TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance COUNT: 32 MUSIC: Dust On The Bottle by David Lee Murphy (Teaching) I Like It, I Love It by Tim McGraw (Dancing) SUGARFOOT CROSS, COASTER STEP, SUGARFOOT CROSS, COASTER STEP 1 Step right across left while turning slightly to left 2 Touch left toe next to right foot while turning slightly to right 3 Touch left heel next to right foot while turning slightly to left 4 Step left across right while turning slightly to right 5 Touch right toe next to left foot while turning slightly to left 6 Touch right heel next to left foot while turning back to center 7&8 Step back on ball of right foot, step ball of left foot next to right, step forward on right STEP, KICK, KICK, BACK, TOUCH, STEP, KICK, KICK 9 Step forward on left 10 Kick right foot forward while clapping hands 11 Kick right foot forward while clapping hands 12 Step back on right 13 Touch left toe back 14 Step forward on left 15 Kick right foot forward while clapping hands 16 Kick right foot forward while clapping hands ROLLING TURN RIGHT, TOUCH/CLAP, HIP BUMPS 17 Step right on right foot, beginning a 360 right turn 18 Step on left foot, continuing 360 turn 19 Step on right foot, completing 360 turn 20 Touch left next to right, clapping hands 21 Slide left foot to left, bump hips to left 22 Bump hips to left 23 With weight on left foot, bump hips to right 24 Bump hips to left LEFT SPIN, BRUSH/KICK, CROSS, COASTER STEP 25 Step right behind left 26 Step to left, making 1/4 turn to left 27 Pivot 1/4 turn to left on ball of left foot and step right next to left 28 Pivot 3/4 turn to left on ball of right foot and step left next to right 29 Brush-kick ball of right foot forward 30 Step right across left 31&32 Step back on ball of left foot, step ball of right next to left, step forward on left REPEAT