Honky Tonk Dancing Machine
                    Choreographed by: Sue Lipscomb

Line Dance, 32 Counts

Music: "Honky Tonk Dancing Machine" by Tracy Byrd
Dance starts 16 beats in on vocals "I can tell..."

Counts and Steps follow . . .

1,2,3,4     Step forward right, left,
            right, kick forward & clap

5,6,7,8     Step back left, back right,
            back left, touch right together & clap

1,2,        1/2 Turn Left - step forward w/right & turn 1/2 left,
            step in place w/left
3,4,        1/2 Turn Left - step forward w/right & turn 1/2 left,
            step in place w/left
5,6,        Step forward w/right (5),
            scoot forward & hitch left knee (6)
7,8         Step forward w/left (7),
            scoot forward & hitch right knee (8)

1,2,3,4     Jazz Box - cross right over left,
            step back on left,
            step side right,
            step together w/left

5,6,7,8     Jazz Box - same as above  R, L, R, L

1,2,3,4     Touch right toe to right side, cross right over left,
            touch left toe to left side, cross left over right
5,6,        Step to the right w/right foot
            (note: weight will transfer a little more to your right
            foot and your hip will bump to the right.)
            Swivel (twist) your heels to the left
7,8         Swivel heels to the right while body makes a 1/4 turn
            to the left on balls of feet, hitch right knee
Begin Again!