HIT THE ROAD CHOREOGRAPHER: Paul Allen TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance COUNT: 32 LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Hittin' the Road by Marcus Hummon-90bpm SIDE TOUCH, HITCH, STEP, REPEAT 1&2 Touch right toe to side, hitch right knee, step right across left 3&4 Touch left toe to side, hitch left knee, step left across right SYNCOPATED GRAPEVINE RIGHT, SIDE STEP 5& Step right to side, step left behind right 6& Step right to side, step left across right 7 Large step right to side 8 Slide left up to right SIDE TOUCH, HITCH, STEP, REPEAT 9&10 Touch left toe to side, hitch left knee, step left across right 11&12 Touch right toe to side, hitch right knee, step right across left SYNCOPATED GRAPEVINE LEFT, SIDE STEP 13& Step left to side, step right behind left 14& Step left to side, step right across left 15 Large step left to side 16 Slide right up to left TAP STEPS 17&18 Touch right toe slightly forward, touch right toe further forward, step right further forward 19&20 Touch left toe slightly forward, touch left toe further forward, step left further forward SCISSOR SLIDE STEP, 1/2 TURN RIGHT 21&22 Right heel diagonally forward, left toe diagonally back, slide both feet back to center 23 Step left to side turning 1/2 right (on left foot) 24 Step right to side TAP STEPS 25&26 Touch left toe slightly forward, touch left toe further forward, step left further forward 27&28 Touch right toe slightly forward, touch right toe further forward, step right further forward SCISSOR SLIDE STEP, SLIDE STEP LEFT 29&30 Left heel forward, right to back, slide both feet back to center 31 Step left to side 32 Touch right beside left REPEAT