HILLBILLY NUTS CHOREOGRAPHER: Vicky King COUNT: 32 / 36 step TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner-Intermediate MUSIC: Little Ramona by BR5-49 SHIMMY, SHAKES, STOMP, STOMP, LIFT AND LOWER HEEL 1&2& Bump hips and shoulders Right, Left, Right, Left 3&4& Bump hips and shoulders Right, Left, Right, Left 5 Stomp Right foot slightly out right side 6 Stomp Left foot slightly out to left side 7 Turn toes slightly inward while rocking up on balls of both feet and bending knees toward each other 8 Bring feet back together and back to the floor STEP, 1/4 TURN, STEP, 1/4 TURN, STEP, 1/4 TURN, STEP, 1/4 TURN 9 Step Right foot forward 10 Pivot 1/4 turn to left (CCW) weight on Left (swaying hips as you turn) 11 Step Right foot forward 12 Pivot 1/4 turn to left (CCW) weight on Left (swaying hips as you turn) 13 Step Right foot forward 14 Pivot 1/4 turn to left (CCW) weight on Left (swaying hips as you turn) 15 Step Right foot forward 16 Pivot 1/4 turn to left (CCW) weight on Left (swaying hips as you turn) you should now be facing starting wall as you complete SCOOT, SLAP, SCOOT, SLAP, STEP, PIVOT, STEP, 3/4 TURN 17 Scoot forward on both feet, (feet slightly apart) 18 Slap thighs with both hands 19 Scoot forward on both feet, (feet slightly apart) 20 Slap thighs with both hands 21 Step forward on Right foot 22 Pivot 1/2 turn to left (CCW) transfer weight to Left 23 Step forward on Right foot 24 Pivot 3/4 turn to left (CCW) transfer weight to Left ROCK STEPS FORWARD BACK 25 Rock forward on Right foot 26 Recover back on Left foot 27 Rock backwards on Right foot 28 Recover forward on Left foot 29 Rock forward on Right foot 30 Recover back on Left foot 31 Step in place with Right foot 32 Step Left foot next to right foot REPEAT Submitted by Boot Gang Dancers & Pure Country D.J. Service Larry & Debbie Davis (815) 825-9053 **Note** This dance was choreographed for Spring Country & Western Dance Workshop at the Country Ranch in Mendota, IL. Spring 1997.**