CHOREOGRAPHER:  Jim Krywko of the J-Team Dancers 
		801 Hastings Court, Newark, Delaware 19702 
		EMAIL: james.e.krywko@dupontpharma.com 
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
MUSIC:  Hillbilly Hula Gal by Junior Brown (12 Shades of Brown) 
	I Brake For Brunettes by Rhett Akins (Today's Hottest Country Mixes)
	Shortnin' Bread by The Tractors 

16 beat intro 
Choreographed for the JG2 Line Dance Marathon Jumpin' Jammi Jam 


	[styling - while moving to the right - hold left arm out in front
	of body - push right hand out to right in a rolling fashion twice
	- start palm up, roll down then out - while moving to the left
	hold right arm out in front of body - push left hand out to left
	in a rolling fashion twice - start palm up, roll down then out] 
1	Step right to right
2	Slide left next to right
3	Step right to right
4	Slide left next to right and clap
5	Step left to left
6	Slide right next to left
7	Step left to left
8	Slide right next to left and clap
9	Step right diagonally forward to right
10	Stomp left next to right and clap
11	Step back in place with left
12	Stomp right next to left and clap
13	Step right diagonally backward to right
14	Stomp left next to right and clap
15	Step back in place with left
16	Stomp right next to left and clap

	[styling - while keeping arms at your sides elbows bent so hands
	are just above waist - rock arms forward, back, forward, clap,
	forward, back, forward, clap] 
17	Rock forward onto right
18	Rock back on left
19	Rock forward on right
20	Hitch left up, sliding slightly forward on right and clap
21	Rock forward onto left
22	Rock back on right
23	Rock forward on left
24	Hitch right up, sliding slightly forward on left and clap
25	Rock forward onto right
26	Rock back in place on left
27	Rock backward on right
28	Rock forward on left
29	Step forward on right foot
30	Pivot, while turning 1/4 turn to left, land left
31	Step back on right foot while kicking left out
32	Land back on left in place
Dance is over, begin again! 
From:	James.E.Krywko@dupontpharma.com (Jim Krywko)

Reformatted for display on web site 
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.