TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Beginner/Intermediate
MUSIC: Gorillaz (Ed Case/Sweetie Irie refix) by Clint Eastwood (CD: Now 48 Album)

1-3&4	Rock to right side, back onto left, cross and cross with right
5-7&8	Rock to the left, back onto right, behind and step
9&10	Shuffle forward right, left, right
11-12	Step left forward, half pivot right
13&14	1/2 turn shuffle to right side
15-16	Rock back on right, forward on left

17-18	Rock to right side, back onto left
19&20	Cross and cross with right
21-22	Rock to the left, back onto right
23&24	Behind and step
25&26	Shuffle forward right, left, right
27-28	Step left forward, half pivot
29&30	1/2 turn shuffle to right side
31-32	Rock back onto right, forward onto left

33&34	Mambo forward on right (forward and back and)
35&36	Mambo forward on left (forward and back and)
37&38	Mambo forward on right (forward and back and)
39&40	Mambo forward on left (forward and back and)

41-43	Roll vine to the right
44-46	Grapevine to the left ending with 1/4 turn left
47-49	Scuff right forward across left and rock forward, back, forward
50-52	Scuff left forward across right and rock forward, back forward
53-55	Scuff right forward across left and rock forward, back, forward
56-58	Scuff left forward across right and rock forward, back forward


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©2006 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.