TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Intermediate/Advanced
MUSIC: Gossip Folks (Fatboy Slim Mix Radio Edit) by Missy Elliot

1	Cross left over right
	(right hand on left hip and left hand out to left side with palm facing forward)
2	Kick right out to right (switch hands)
3&4	Hitch right swinging right foot left, right, left
	(leaving left hand on right hip bringing right palm to side of head)
5&6	Step back right, close left to right, step forward right
7-8	Hold, pivot 1/2 turn left taking weight onto left

1-2	Forward right, forward left
3&4	Flick right back, hitch right turning 1/2 right on ball of left, step forward right
5&6	Touch left toe next to right, step left next to right, step forward right
7	Hitch left turning 1/4 turn on ball of right
	(twist body to left to gain torque)
8	Pivot 1/2 turn left on ball of right (twisting body to right to help turn)

1-2	Forward left, forward right
3-4	Touch left toe forward, step back on left
5-6	Touch right toe back, 1/2 turn right taking weight on right
7-8	Skate diagonally forward left, right

1-2	Dip left knee to right leg, roll left knee out turning 1/4 left leaving weight on right
3	Bend knees rolling right shoulder up and back
4	Straighten knees rolling left shoulder up and back
5&6	Touch right toe forward bumping hips forward, back, forward taking weight onto right
	(shaking right shoulder down, up, down)
7	Turn 1/4 right on ball of right touching left to left side
&	turn 1/4 right hitching left knee
8	turn 1/4 right on ball of right touching left to left side


After 3rd wall, repeat 4 times to make 1 complete turn
1-2	Forward left, touch right beside left with right knee turned in
3&4	Swing right knee right, left, right turning 1/4 right taking weight onto right

On next wall replace last 4 counts with 1 1/4 paddle turn left
flapping arms like a bird (step right next left on count 8)


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©2003 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.