455 SPECIAL CHOREOGRAPHER: Lana Harvey, June 26, l997 COUNT: 32 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: She's Got The Rhythm by Alan Jackson-92bpm (teach) Catwalk by Lee Roy Parnell-113bpm (medium) 455 Rocket by Kathy Mattea-123bpm (dance) STEP, TWIST, STEP, TWIST, TOE SLIDES 1 Step straight forward on RIGHT 2 Hug LEFT knee to RIGHT leg (knees touching, LEFT toe pointing down) and twist 45 degrees to right on ball of RIGHT 3 Step straight forward on LEFT 4 Hug RIGHT knee to LEFT leg and twist 45 degrees to left on ball of LEFT 5 With body still at 45 degrees to left side, slide RIGHT toe away from LEFT 6 Slide RIGHT toe back to LEFT 7 With body still at 45 degrees to left side, slide RIGHT toe away from LEFT 8 Slide RIGHT toe back to LEFT CAMEL WALK, PIVOT 1/2 CW, CAMELWALKS 9 Step straight forward on RIGHT & Step LEFT forward and on outside of RIGHT (Lock step) 10 Step straight forward on RIGHT 11 Put LEFT toe forward 12 Pivot 1/2 turn CCW on ball of RIGHT 13 Step forward on LEFT 14 Step RIGHT forward and on outside of LEFT 15 Step forward on LEFT & Step RIGHT forward and on outside of LEFT 16 Step forward on LEFT HEEL, HOLD, 1/4 TURN, HEEL, HOLD,1/4 TURN, HEEL, HOLD, CLOSE, HEEL, TOE 17 Touch RIGHT heel forward 18 Hold and clap & Making 1/4 turn CW, step RIGHT next to LEFT 19 Touch LEFT heel forward 20 Hold and clap & Making 1/4 turn CW, step LEFT back next to RIGHT 21 Touch RIGHT heel forward 22 Hold and clap & Bring RIGHT back next to LEFT 23 Touch LEFT heel forward 24 Touch LEFT toe back SIDE ROCKS, HEEL, CROSS TOE, 1/2 TURN, HIPS 25 Step LEFT to left side and shift weight to it 26 Shift weight to RIGHT 27 Shift weight to LEFT 28 Shift weight to RIGHT 29 Touch LEFT heel forward 30 Cross LEFT toe over RIGHT & Pivot 1/2 turn CW shifting weight to LEFT 31&32 Drop LEFT heel and flex RIGHT knee as you move hips left, center, left REPEAT Inquiries: Lana Harvey, Tucson, AZ (520) 797-7295. This dance is dedicated to Cindy Coltrane who loves this song and asked me to choreograph a dance for it. From: keedance@juno.com (Lana L Harvey) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm