DREAM CATCHER WALTZ CHOREOGRAPHER: Unknown COUNT: 36 TYPE: Partner Dance Start in circle facing each other - men facing in ladies facing out, hands joined MEN LADIES 1-3 Left waltz step forward Right waltz step backwards (to circle center) 4-6 Right waltz step backwards Left waltz step forward Drop right hand Drop left hand and put on hip 7-9 Left waltz step forwards Do full turn to right starting with right foot 10-12 Right waltz step backwards Left waltz step forward 13-15 Left waltz step forward Starting with right foot lady walks around behind the man 16-18 Right waltz step in place Finish walking around behind the man ending up on his left side (Both WILL be facing towards the inside of the circle) 19-21 Left waltz step backwards Starting with right foot, do 1/2 turn to right to face man 22-24 Right waltz step in place Starting with left foot, (change hands) do full turn to right 25-27 Starting with left foot, Starting with right foot, do 1/4 turn forward to right do 1/4 turn forward to left and walk around lady and walk around man 28-30 Extend left hand and meet Extend left hand and meet next man next lady #1 31-33 Walk forward with left foot Walk forward with right foot and and meet next lady and extend meet next man and extend right right hand - pass lady #2 hand - pass man on his right side on her right 34-36 Meet next lady with left hand Meet next man with left hand extended - do 1/4 turn to left extended - do 1/4 turn to left and rejoin hands back to and rejoin hands back to original position original position REPEAT From: teweg@midway.tds.net (Elaine Wegerer) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm