DOUBLE CROSS CHOREOGRAPHER: Bill Patterson, Dry Gulch Dancers, Tucson, AZ COUNT: 32 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: That Girl's Been Spying On Me by Billy Dean-125bpm Double Trouble by Travis Tritt-110bpm (Teach) Be My Lover by La Bouche or any rock with same beat CROSS KICK, TOUCH, SWIVEL, SNAP 1 Kick RIGHT forward and across LEFT leg 2 Touch RIGHT toe to right side about 10" from LEFT 3 Swivel on balls of feet 1/4 right 4 Shift weight to LEFT and snap fingers of RIGHT hand at shoulder level CROSS SHUFFLES 5&6 Cross RIGHT over LEFT and shuffle Right, Left, Right in place with feet crossed 7&8 Cross LEFT over RIGHT and shuffle in place Left, Right, Left with feet crossed BOP STEP, SCUFF 9 Shift weight to ball of LEFT and swivel LEFT heel to right while touching RIGHT toe to RIGHT instep (RIGHT knee turned in) 10 Shift weight to LEFT heel and swivel LEFT toes to right while touching RIGHT heel slightly forward 11 Shift weight to ball of LEFT and swivel LEFT heel to right while touching RIGHT toe to LEFT instep (RIGHT knee turned in) 12 Scuff RIGHT forward and across LEFT leg CHASSE' LEFT, STEP BACK, STEP FORWARD (&) 13 Step RIGHT on left side of LEFT (legs are crossed and knees slightly bent) & Step LEFT slightly to left but not passing RIGHT 14 Step RIGHT slightly to left & Step LEFT slightly to left but not passing RIGHT 15 Step RIGHT slightly to left 16 Step LEFT back diagonally to left & Step RIGHT forward diagonally right (1:00) HIP SWINGS, PIVOT, HIP SWINGS 17 Push RIGHT hip forward 18 Push RIGHT hip forward 19 Push LEFT hip back 20 Push LEFT hip back & Pivot on LEFT, step RIGHT back diagonally right (5:00) 21 Push RIGHT hip back 22 Push RIGHT hip back 23 Push LEFT hip forward 24 Push LEFT hip forward VINE RIGHT, STEP, CROSS SHUFFLES 25 Step RIGHT to right side 26 Cross and step LEFT foot behind RIGHT 27 Step RIGHT to right side 28 Step LEFT next to RIGHT putting weight on it 29&30 Cross RIGHT over LEFT and shuffle Right, Left, Right in place with feet crossed 31&32 Cross LEFT over RIGHT and shuffle in place Left, Right, Left with feet crossed REPEAT Lana Harvey, (520) 797-7295 From: (Lana L. Harvey) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown