Diamond Express Choreographer Unknown This is a Couples' Dance done in the Sweetheart Position. Counts: 1 - 4 Grapevine Left, Stomp R (Gent releases Lady's L hand & Turns Lady full Turn to her Left). 5 - 8 Grapevine Right, Stomp L (Gent releases Lady's L hand & Turns Lady full Turn to her Right). 9 - 10 L Kick Ball Change. 11 - 18 Shuffle forward L,R,L R,L,R L,R,L R,L,R (Gent releases Lady's R hand & Turns Lady full Turn to her Right; Lady is now in front of Gent with her back to him; rejoin hands resting on Lady's shoulders). 19 - 20 Stomp L beside R twice. 21 - 24 Twist heels to Left, toes to Center twice. 25 - 26 Dip down & then up. 27 - 28 L Kick Ball Change. 29 - 36 Shuffle forward L,R,L R,L,R L,R,L R,L,R (Gent releases Lady's R hand & Turns Lady full Turn to her Right; Lady is now on Gent's Left side in Sweetheart Position). 37 - 40 Grapevine Left, Stomp R (Gent releases Lady's R hand & Turns Lady full Turn to her Left). 41 - 44 Grapevine Right, Stomp L (Gent releases Lady's R hand & Turns Lady full Turn to her Right). 45 - 52 Shuffle forward L,R,L R,L,R L,R,L R,L,R (keep both hands in contact as Gent Turns Lady full Turn to her Left; Lady is now behind Gent, with her hands resting on Gent's shoulders). 53 - 54 Stomp L beside R twice. 55 - 58 Twist heels to Left, toes to Center twice. 59 - 66 Shuffle forward L,R,L R,L,R L,R,L R,L,R (keep both hands in contact as Gent Turns Lady full Turn to her Left; Lady is now on Gent's Right side in Sweetheart Position). Start Again!