DESPERADO WRAP VARIATION CHOREOGRAPHER: Lana Harvey, May 2, l995 Choreographer's Note: Desperado Wrap is a beautiful couples dance but it is very short. I choreographed some additional steps which takes the pattern to 64 counts. This dance description starts at the end of the Desperado Wrap pattern of 24 counts. EIGHT COUNT WEAVE. Man and Woman facing outside, man behind woman, arms outstretched to sides, with same hands joined. Same step pattern for both. 25 Step to left side with LEFT foot 26 Cross RIGHT foot behind LEFT 27 Step to left side with LEFT foot 28 Cross RIGHT foot in front of LEFT 29 Step to left side with LEFT foot 30 Cross RIGHT foot behind LEFT 31 Step to left side with LEFT foot 32 Drop left hands and step 1/4 turn CW with RIGHT foot You are now facing line of direction HALF TURN PIVOTS, SHUFFLE 33 Put LEFT toe forward 34 Pivot 1/2 turn CW holding RIGHT hands overhead 35 Put LEFT toe forward 36 Pivot 1/2 turn CW with RIGHT hands overhead 37&38 Shuffle forward LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT 39 Put RIGHT toe forward 40 Pivot 1/2 turn CCW holding RIGHT hands overhead (Or switch to LEFT hands, if this feels more comfortable) 41 Put RIGHT toe forward 42 Pivot 1/2 turn CCW (as in 40) 43&44 Shuffle forward RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT 45&46 Shuffle forward LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT 47&48 Shuffle forward RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT ROCKS AND SHUFFLES 49 Rock forward on LEFT foot 50 Rock back onto RIGHT foot 51&52 Shuffle in place LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT 53 Rock back on RIGHT foot 54 Rock forward onto LEFT foot LADY IN FRONT, LADY CROSS , FACE OUTSIDE, ROCK, SHUFFLE MAN WOMAN 55&56 Shuffle in place RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT Shuffle RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT Man's right arm over lady's head forward with 1/2 turn CCW facing as she turns out to face him. partner with hands crossed, Right hand on top. 57 Rock forward on LEFT foot Rock back on LEFT foot 58 Rock back on RIGHT foot Rock forward on RIGHT foot 59&60 Shuffle LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT turning Shuffle forward LEFT, RIGHT, 1/4 turn to right. Drop left hands LEFT with 1/4 turn to left. and extend right arms to right as You are now facing outside lady passes in front of you. You and in original dance position. are behind partner,original position. BOTH: 61 Rock to right side on RIGHT foot 62 Rock to left side on LEFT foot 63&64 Shuffle in place RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT Start over with the beginning of the DESPERADO WRAP Inquiries: Lana Harvey (520) 797-7295 e-mail: Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown