DELRIO CHOREOGRAPHER: Warren J. Westenburger COUNT: 52 TYPE: Partner Circle Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Diamonds & Tears by Suzy Bogguss Boomerang Love by Jimmy Buffett Any slow cha-cha POSITION: Circle Dance, Couples in Sweetheart Promenade Position both using same foot. Hands: Suggested position of hands and arms to best complement this dance. HEEL, TOUCH, CHA-CHA, STEP, PIVOT, CHA-CHA, STEP, PIVOT, CHA-CHA 1 Right heel out 2 Back together 3&4 Cha-cha Right, Left, Right 5 Forward Left 6 Back Left (pivot) turn to right 180 degrees to front line of dance. Hands: Right goes over ladies head dropping left hand - pick left hand back up. 7&8 Cha-cha Left, Right, Left 9 Forward Right 10 Back Left (pivot) turn to right 180 degrees to front line of dance. Hands: Right goes over ladies head dropping left - pick left back up. 11&12 Cha-cha Right, Left, Right STEP, 1/4 TURN, CHA-CHA, 1/4 TURN, KICK, 1/4 TURNING CHA-CHA 13 Step Left 14 1/4 turn right onto Right (now facing outside of circle). Hands: Hands are out from sides. 15&16 Cha-cha Left, Right, Left 17 Right 1/4 turn to right back line of dance 18 Left foot kick forward. Hands: tuck ladies left arm behind her back while facing back line of dance only. 19&20 1/4 turn to Left as you Cha-cha Left, Right, Left (now facing outside of circle). Hands: Flair arms out from sides - bow style. CROSS, UNWIND, CHA-CHA, CROSS, UNWIND, CHA-CHA 21 Cross Right over left - weight on right 22 Shift weight back to Left, uncrossing (while performing Steps 21 - 22, both face outside of circle). Hands: Leave hands flared from sides - bow style. 23&24 Cha-cha Right, Left, Right - facing outside of circle 25 Cross Left over right - weight on left 26 Shift weight back to right, uncrossing (while performing Steps 25 - 26, both face outside of circle). Hands: Leave hands flared from sides - bow style. 27&28 Cha-cha Left, Right, Left - gradually face front line of dance. Hands: Slowly raise left arms in preparation of Steps 29 - 30. NOTE: PROGRESS FORWARD THROUGH REST OF DANCE. 1/4 TURN, SLIDE, CHA-CHA, 1/4 TURN, SLIDE, CHA-CHA, REPEAT 29 Step forward on Right 1/4 turn to inside of circle 30 Slide Left behind right (now facing inside of circle) Hands: Ladies left arm goes over guys head as both turn CCW - backward windmill style. 31&32 Cha-cha Right, Left, Right - gradually face front line of dance. Hands: Slowly raise right arms in preparation of Steps 33 - 34. 33 Step forward on Left 1/4 turn to outside of circle 34 Slide right behind left (now facing outside of circle) Hands: Dropping left hands, turn clockwise. Guys right arm over ladies head - picking up left hands (back windmill style). 35&36 Cha-cha Left, Right, Left - gradually face front line of dance. Hands: Slowly raise left arms in preparation of Steps 37 - 38. 37 Step forward on Right 1/4 turn to inside of circle 38 Slide Left behind right (now facing inside of circle) Hands: Ladies left arm goes over guys head as both turn CCW - backward windmill style. 39&40 Cha-cha Right, Left, Right - gradually face front line of dance. Hands: Slowly raise right arms in preparation of Steps 41 - 42. 41 Step forward on Left 1/4 turn to outside of circle 42 Slide right behind left (now facing outside of circle) Hands: Dropping left hands, turn clockwise. Guys right arm over ladies head - picking up left hands (back windmill style). 43&44 Cha-cha Left, Right, Left - gradually face front line of dance. STEP, HITCH, STEP, HITCH, STEP, HITCH, CHA-CHA 45 Forward Right 46 Lift Left (bend left knee). Hands: Ladies left arm is on guys shoulder, guys right hand picks up ladies right hand in front of lady. 47 Forward Left 48 Lift Right (bend right knee). Hands: Same position as Steps 45 - 46. 49 Forward Right 50 Lift Left (bend left knee). Hands: From same position as Steps 47 - 48, ladies start to drop left hand in preparation of the upcoming 360 degree clockwise turn in Steps 51 & 52. 51&52 (Ladies Only) Turn 360 degrees CW using Left, Right, Left (placing her in sweetheart position). (Man Only) Cha-cha Left, Right, Left - moving slowly forward. REPEAT DANCE Please direct inquires to: Warren & Nancy Westenburger Hamilton Township N.J. -- (609) 586-9499 From: CCM Pat Borowicz Country Connection Magazine Chicago Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown