COUNTRY WITH AN ATTITUDE CHOREOGRAPHER: Scott Blevins COUNT: 64 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: Country With An Attitude by Frank Paul Country Down To My Soul by Lee Roy Parnell Burn Me Down by Marty Stuart BPM: 150-170 VINE RIGHT, TOUCH LEFT,VINE LEFT, TOUCH RIGHT 1 Step right with right foot 2 Cross left foot behind right 3 Step right with right foot 4 Touch the left toe next to the right foot 5 Step left with left foot 6 Cross right foot behind left 7 Step left with left foot 8 Touch the right toe next to the left foot STOMP RIGHT, KNEE SHAKE, STOMP LEFT, KNEE SHAKE, STEP TURN 1/2 LEFT, STEP TURN 1/2 LEFT 9&10 Stomp the right foot forward and shake the knee twice (keep knee bent) 11&12 Stomp the left forward and shake the knee twice (keep knee bent) 13 Step forward on the ball of the right foot 14 Pivot 1/2 turn left, shifting weight to left foot 15 Step forward on the ball of right foot 16 Pivot 1/2 turn left and shift weight to the left foot RIGHT STOMP-STOMP, HIPS (RL-RR-LL) 17 Stomp the right foot slightly forward at 45 degree angle 18 Stomp the right foot slightly forward again at 45 degree angle 19 Push hips right 20 Push hips left 21 Push hips right 22 Push hips right 23 Push hips left 24 Push hips left SHUFFLE BACK (RLR), ROCK STEP, SHUFFLE FORWARD (LRL), ROCK STEP 25& Step back with the right foot, slide left foot next to right 26 Step back with the right foot 27 Rock back on the left foot 28 Step forward on the right foot 29& Step forward with the left foot, slide right foot next to left 30 Step forward with the left foot 31 Rock forward on the right foot 32 Step back on the left foot JUMP BACK, CLAP, STEP TURN 3/4 RIGHT, SLIDE LFT, CLAP 33 Jump back landing with feet together 34 Clap hands. 35 Step forward on the ball of left foot 36 Pivot 3/4 turn right and shift weight to right foot 37 Take a large step to the left 38-40 Draw the right foot next to the left and clap hands SHUFFLE SIDE (RLR), ROCK BACK, SHUFFLE SIDE (LRL) ROCK BACK 41& Step right with the right foot, slide left foot next to right 42 Step right with right foot 43 Rock back on left foot 44 Step forward on the right foot 45& Step left with the left foot, slide right foot next to left 46 Step left with the left foot 47 Rock back on the right foot 48 Step together on the left foot STOMP RIGHT, CLAP, STOMP LEFT, CLAP, STOMP RIGHT-LEFT, CLAP-CLAP 49 Stomp right foot forward at 45 degree angle 50 Clap hands (facing 1:30) 51 Stomp left forward at 45 degree angle 52 Clap hands (facing 10:30) 53 Face forward and stomp in place right 54 Face forward and stomp in place left 55 Clap hands 56 Clap hands SHAKE HIPS RIGHT, TOGETHER, CLAP, SHAKE HIPS LFT TOGETHER, CLAP 57 Step right with the right foot and shake hips right 58 Shake hips right 59 Step right foot next to the left foot 60 Clap hands 61 Step left with the left foot and shake hips to the left 62 Shake hips to the left 63 Step left foot next to the right foot 64 Clap hands. REPEAT If you need the single "Country With An Attitude", you can contact Frank Paul Entertainment 708/730-9342 From: (Cindy from the Dance Ranch) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown