TYPE: Partner Circle Mixer
LEVEL: Beginner
MUSIC: Cotton Eyed Joe by Isaac Peyton
Everyone starts on their left in 2 circles, ladies on the inside facing Rear LOD,
men on the outside, facing LOD. Both stand left shoulder to shoulder, lightly touching left palms.
1-2 Touching left palms: both stomp Left, Kick
3&4 Triple to the Left, passing each other
5-6 Touching right palms: both stomp right, Kick
7&8 Triple to the Right, passing again
9-10 Touching left palms: both stomp Left, Kick
11&12 Triple to the Left, passing each other
13-14 Touching right palms: both stomp right, Kick
15&16 Triple to the Right, passing again
17-24 Touching left palms: triple around to left 4 times,
ending in the same beginning position, still touching left palms
25-32 Everyone triples forward 4 times
Ladies travel forward to Rear LOD, Men travel down LOD
Ladies greet the next man with right hand, then passes him,
and greets the next man (her new partner) with her left hand
The new partners now are ready to stomp left and begin,
as they touch left palms together.
Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown
Step sheet presentation copyright ©2002 by Don & Patti Brown.
All rights reserved.
Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer.
This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.